Frid’Eh Update #40 | Brendan Sipple | Brought to You by RP Race Performance

Week #40 of the DMX Frid’Eh Update belongs to Brendan Sipple from Texas and is brought to you by RP Race Performance

By Billy Rainford

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Week #40 belongs to Brendan Sipple from Austin, Texas. | Bigwave photo

Welcome to Week #40 of the DMX Frid’Eh Update brought to you by RP Race Performance. As I type this, I’m sitting in the Media Centre at the 2024 MXON at Matterley Basin. Team Canada just picked 18th for gate choice. The team all agrees that it’s a small victory after getting a much worse pick in France.

Belgium grabbed first pick while Team USA is back in 24th. Kyle Thompson and I have been making friendly beer bets all summer long so we carried it over to the MXON in England. He says Team USA will be on the podium and I say they won’t. Who made the better choice? He’s already down 3 at this point, so this could be a big swing in the overall for us.

The weather has actually been pretty nice while we’ve been here. We’ll take 17C and a mix of sun and cloud on Sunday, but it looks like we’re in for a little bit of rain. At this point, they’re calling for a 30% chance of less than 1mm. That’s not even enough to keep the dust down! We’ll take it.

So far this week, everything has been going smoothly for Team Canada MXON. The riders are all hanging out and getting along and Team Manager Kourtney Lloyd had once again dotted all the i’s and crossed all the t’s. We definitely are not wanting for anything around here.

We were at Oxford Moto Parc near Oxford on Thursday where the riders were able to get in some riding. I shot a bunch of photos and put up a report that you can check out HERE.

Video from Thursday practice:

Today, the riders will get the chance to practice starts off the metal grate that sends them down a short hill right away. They’ll be on the line between 2:30-3:40 local time (we are 5 hours ahead of Eastern Time).

After that at 4:30, it will be the Parade of Nations where we’ll follow the team around the little circle as they get introduced to the always revved up European MXON crowd.

Steve Matthes will do a Pulp MX Show between 6-7 over on the Paddock Show Stage. I’m not sure what that’s all about, but I’ll head over and check it out if we’re still here at the track. (We weren’t)

It’s always difficult to find time to dig around for stories when I’m at an event, especially when it’s a MXON in Europe!

Brendan Sipple from Austin, Texas, was #40 for the 2024 Canadian Triple Crown Series MX Nationals season. He first came up to Canada in 2023 and it looks like he’s found a new home for his racing up here. Here’s a look at his 2024 season:

We got in touch with him this week and sent him a few questions. Here’s what he had to say:

Brendan first came to Canada in 2023. Here’s what he had to say when we contacted him this week. | Bigwave photo

Direct Motocross: Hey, Brendan. Thanks for chatting with us this week. I know you’re from Austin, Texas, but can you tell everyone how old you are and how you got your start in MX?

Brendan Sipple: I’m 25 and my father got me a motorcycle after my mom passed away to get me out of trouble.

And who did you come up through the ranks with?

That’s a hard one, because everyone it older than me, has kids, and quit racing. But they are all local Texas heroes to me, and here are a few names: Dylan Kirchiner, Kyle Swanson, Tyler Juarez, Dylan Pemperton (RIP), and Jessie Andrews, the most important influences are Clint Breslin and Ryan Grantom to getting my start to race in Canada.

Were you into other sports too or were you always a moto guy?

I was into all the ball sports growing up, but I am always going to be better at golf than moto. But I chose golf over moto.

Brendan in the ruts of Pilot Mound in Manitoba. | Bigwave photo

What year did you turn Pro and what’s your racing resume look like in the AMA?

Year turned Pro was 2017 (first year pro Canada)
2010-2017: AMA amateur racing
2018: German Supercross
2019: Canadian Pro Nationals
2020-2022: AMA Arenacross & AMA Outdoors
2023: Canadian Outdoors & Indian Supercross
2024: Canadian Outdoors & Indian Supercross

You came up to Canada in 2023 on the #777. What was behind your decision to come up and race in Canada?

Intensions behind going to Canada versus America is because better environment and culture for a privateer.

What did you think of our series?

I’ve always liked the series over anything and the Thompson family has worked out any issues I’ve had.

Brendan says he’s a better at golf than he is at motocross but he still chose to pursue moto. | Bigwave photo

You earned #40 for this season. How did your 2023 season go?

2023 season was amazing with it being the first time racing the 450 class. I learned a lot riding with those fast guys, and made a lot of improvements for the year physically, and mentally.

Do you work in the off season or are you full-time motocross?

I am lucky enough to have developed great relationships with sponsors that allows me to get to race/train full-time all year and train as hard as I can during the off season. I do host and help with some training camps throughout the year as well too but I wouldn’t call that work, as I love helping the younger generation of riders become better.

And you decided to come back and race up here again in 2024. How did your season go from your point of view?

From my point of view, my 2024 season was a blessing in disguise. God has blessed me with some challenges this year that I didn’t realize and allowed me to learn, so coming into this next 2025 season I am a lot more prepared, and lot stronger.

What have you been up to since Walton?

After Walton, I went straight back to Alberta to my trainer’s house, and started Boot Camp and strength training, and getting ready for the Supercross season, and learning more about becoming a better human being physically and mentally.

What are your winter plans?

My winter plans will consist of getting ready for the Arenacross season and then I fly overseas to participate in the Indian Supercross series.

Will we see you back in 2025?

Yes, 100% will be back for the 2025 season.

It looks like we’ll be seeing Brendan again in 2025. | Bigwave photo

What’s the best thing about Canadians and what do you find the weirdest?

I think the myths about Canadians being nicer people is 100% true. It can be weird for some people, but I embrace the different culture and I love it.

Do you go to the music festivals in Austin?

I have been to music festivals in the past, but being around large crowds of people that have nothing to do with Moto doesn’t really pique my interest anymore. 

OK, good luck and thanks for letting us get to know you a little better this week. Who would you like to thank?

I would like to thank Riderz (@riderz_ab), JD kheler and the Kehler family, Parts Canada, TJcycles, motoseat, onium goggles, Torc1 Racing, Graphic Guys, Tapthouse, Kyle Thompson, MindFX, My father (Brendan J. Sipple), The Dome red dear, Jim Fredrickson, Factory Connection suspension.

Tanner Ward to Priority MX

In one of the worst kept secrets, #84 Tanner Ward has made the move from the WLTN Kawasaki team to the Priority MX KTM team. The Peter Knoop-owned team has been making strides to improve their presence at the races and on the track, and this move to grab one of our top 450 riders will bring them even closer to their goal.

Tanner rode for the Orange Brigade at KTM Canada as an amateur, so this will be a little like going home for the expecting father from Woodstock.

Tanner is a rider who has the potential to be on the box every week, so it will be interesting to see what he can do with this new opportunity.

We just had the VIP sponsors’ dinner here in the hotel that was a great success. It was nice of Jason Weigandt to play the role of MC to thank the sponsors tonight. He was as smooth as he always is in these situations. The food was great and I sat at a table with two riders I used to race back in…wait for it…1983. I’m talking about Steve Bulyovsky and Dave Marcella. Nic Wallace and Brad Coles were also with us and the old stories flowed for a while over some roast beef, roast chicken, potatoes, vegetables, and then cheesecake. Great times, guys.

I’ll end this here so I can got to work on some content from the day before hitting the hay to get an early start in the morning for MXON qualifying!

Have a great weekend, everyone.

Speaking of VIP sponsors, how can I not let Carl Vaillancourt say it this week after this one?! “See you at the races…” | Bigwave photo
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