Frid’Eh Update #36 | William Crete | Presented by Husqvarna Motorcycles Canada
By Billy Rainford

Welcome to Week #36 of the DMX Frid’Eh Update this week presented by Husqvarna Motorcycles Canada. We just brought the 2021 Canadian Triple Crown Series to an end this past weekend at Gopher Dunes with the final rounds of Supercross. I think we learned a few things, and I’ll touch on those after we get to this week’s honouree, William Crete.
William is the rider from Blainville, Quebec, who is about as mild-mannered a guy as you’re ever going to find off the track. On the track is a different story.
William proved that he is going to keep improving every year. COming into the season, I have to admit that I omitted him from our pre-season predictions, and that was a mistake. He showed that he can run in the fast group that sits just off the podium.
Here’s a look at this 2021 MX results in the Nationals:

As you can see, he had an up-and-down season, but he can run up in the top 5 if things go right for him.
We got in touch with him to see what he thought of the season and to find out what the future holds:

Direct Motocross: Hey, William. Thanks for taking some time with us this week. Let’s start out by asking you how old you are, where you’re form, and how you got into Motocross as a kid?
William Crete: Hi, Billy. First, I want to thank you for everything you are doing for the sport and riders. I’m currently 23 years old from Blainville, QC. The funny thing is that my little brother started riding a peewee 50 before I did and I never really knew why.
Fast-forwarding to this season, you looked good at round 1 at Walton Raceway with 6-9 motos for 7th overall in the 250 class. Was that where you thought you’d be? How did you think it went?
That’s was pretty much my goal for this season, to always be in the top 7. It was a nice way to start the national series. Also, the track was awesome that day. My dad didn’t have to wash my bike after practice and that’s weird for a Walton event! Haha But I’m not complaining about it.
But then decided to head home to Quebec and race a provincial instead of round 2. Can you take us through that decision?
There’s a lot of people who asked me the same question. I would say it was more convenient for my dad and my mechanic, Christ Laliberte, who helped me a lot through the past years to race the provincial race and be home by Sunday night. In the end, I don’t regret my choice since I had a lot and fun in Ste-Julie and great results.

How did you do in the Quebec Provincials? Are there more races left?
Pretty good. There’s only one race left and it’s at my local practice track (X-Town). So far I’m doing good in 250’s and 450’s. I had some good battles with Kaven Benoit and Dave Blanchet. Tim Tremblay is the man to beat. My goal for the last race is to try to get a good start and see if I can keep him behind.
How did the rest of your Nationals go?
All the rounds went good or all right, except for the second moto at Deschambault (flat tire with 4 laps to go) and the Monday race (3 crashes). The last round was a good one for me going 6-7 for 6th O/A, my best so far. Honestly, I’m happy with my results but I want to do better year after year.
You decided not to race Supercross. How come?
It was a little bit complicated for me to leave for 2 or 3 weeks to go practice and race SX, and the same weekends I had provincial races.
I’ve seen you down south racing before. Do you have any future plans to try an AMA Supercross or Lucas Oil Pro Motocross National in the USA?
I would really like to try AMA Supercross or Pro Motocross, maybe this winter if I go down south to train again I would try some. I will have to wait and see if it’s possible.

What is it that you do for a 9-5 job?
For the past weeks I’ve been helping my friend’s business as a carpenter, since he was short in employees, but usually I work for my dad’s family business in the sawmill industry on the safety committee and I do staff replacement.
What will you do for the rest of this season?
My girlfriend and I are planning a trip on the west coast right after the last provincial race. After that, going back to work full time and enjoying the fall while doing mountain biking, hiking and any hanging out with friends.
It looks like we should be back to a normal cross-Canada program for 2022. Do you plan on racing the Nationals next season?
Yeahhh, that’s some great news! I only did the full series one time and it was super fun. Tracks were different than what I usually ride but I did like it. To answer your question, I’m not sure yet. I will wait and see what is the best option for me.
I’m also a “William.” Do your close friends call you that or do they shorten it? Do you have a nickname?
A lot of people call me Will. Living in Quebec there are not a lot of Williams called Bill like in the US.

Before we let you go, do you play any other sports or have any hobbies you could tell us about?
During summer I like all the mellow sports like wake surfing, tennis, and hiking. I also love all the motorsports and maybe one day I would like to be a race car driver… During winter my parents build a hockey rink in our backyard, so all my friends and my brother’s friends usually play during the week after work or school.
OK, thanks for the chat. Good luck and who would you like to thank?
Thank you, Billy. First, probably my parents for all the big and little things they for me on and off the bike! Also big thanks to Christopher Laliberte, Husqvarna Canada, MD Distribution, Evo suspension, Forma boots, Nadon sport, Apico, FXR, Twice Production, Mika Metal, Kmc chain, 6D helmets, 100%, Dt1 Filter, Motorex, Groupe Crete, and Sara-Maude racing.
As has been the case the past few weeks, we’re going to keep the Update part of the Update rather short. It seems I’m finding too much other stuff to edit etc. these days and not leaving enough time to dive into stories for an in depth Update. I will, however, say this…
Our Riders Need More Supercross Experience
What seemed to be the biggest topic of discussion since the final weekend of Supercross at Gopher Dunes was the pass by #22 Tyler Gibbs on #46 Marco Cannella and then the retaliation pass made by Marco on Tyler.
In the heat of the moment, I can certainly understand how emotions get the better of you and you can’t stop yourself from going after someone after getting what you thought was a dirty stuff move. Well, we’ve all seen the video and it was a whole lot of nothing. Here is where this discussion starts and ends.
Canadian riders simply need more experience racing Supercross/Arenacross. End of story.
As I went through my footage from the Supercross series, I came across countless photos and video clips of riders taking away the inside and moving riders up to the top of the berm. It’s just how you make passes on tighter tracks.
Unfortunately, many of our riders don’t have enough experience on these types of tracks and so they feel like they were targeted for a “dirty” move when, in fact, they weren’t. Again, I get it, but we need to put our riders in these situations more often so they can get more used to it.
I’m sure everyone has watched an AMA Supercross and watched as a rider got closer and closer to the rider in front of them and you were on the edge of your seat because you just knew a stuff pass was coming. And when it did, the rider who got passed simply had to shrug their shoulders and try to figure out how they could have avoided leaving the inside open without slowing down their lap time. It’s the eternal SX question.

Actually, I have at least 2 photos or video clips where it’s Tyler getting pushed to the top and having to give up track position because otherwise he would have fallen. He grew up racing Future West Arenacross out in BC and that’s unquestionably why he can both dish it out and take it.
Let me be clear, this isn’t really a jab at anyone. I’m just pointing out that our guys need more experience in these situations to be able to just get better and not take it personally.
I didn’t witness the reported booing by MX101 toward Gibbs on the stage, so I won’t comment on that. All I’ll say is that I’m pretty sure those who did the alleged booing would be a little embarrassed at their over-reaction once they saw the video clip of the pass.
The retaliation move by Marco on Tyler was out of anger. We’ve all been there. Every tiny thing that impedes our progress during a race is thought to have been a catastrophic event that kept us from winning a race. It’s just the way a racer’s mind works in the heat of battle, even if it didn’t hold us up more than a millisecond.
I haven’t spoken to Marco since last weekend, but you can be sure he’s watched the video clip and was probably like, “Hmm, that really wasn’t anything, was it? Oops.”
Anyway, everyone will move forward and we’ll all realize that the solution here is simply more time on these types of tracks. That’s my take, anyway. Take it for what it’s worth, and feel free to leave a comment either here on on our Facebook page.
Tanner Ward Racing Hangtown
#484 Tanner Ward hopped in the van and headed to California this past Monday so he could race the final round of Lucas Oil Pro Motocross near Sacramento for the Hangtown Classic.
Also racing in the 250 class this Saturday is #964 Mitch Goheen from the Oshawa, Ontario, area. Never short on style, let’s see what Mitch can do in this tough field.
We’ll be watching, guys!
Here’s a look at the 250 entry list:

4-Time Champ, Shelby Turner Ready for EnduroCross
ICYMI | Final Thoughts Team Canada ISDE Podcast with Lee Fryberger
In case you missed it, we chatted with Team Canada ISDE Co-Coordinator Lee Fryberger after every day of the 2021 FIM ISDE in Italy. The one day we didn’t speak with Lee we spoke with all 4 of our World Trophy team members, Philippe Chaine, Kade Walker, Tyler Medaglia, and Jared Stock.
Here are the podcast links:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Thank you for taking the time each evening to do these, Lee and Team. Hopefully, I’ll be at the 2022 event over in France!
OK, I’ve got some bike and bicycle work to do. If I plan on riding the MTB trails up at Motopark during the True North MotoCup on Sunday, the old Scott Spark is going to need some serious attention!
Also, Greg Poisson is headed over to X-Town in Quebec to ride their final provincial race of the season. If you’re going to be there, go easy on the brand new 2022 #245 Honda 250 from Barrie Honda Powersports! Don’t put any scratches on it!
Have a great weekend, everyone.

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