Frid’Eh Update #25 | Tanner Scott | Brought to You by RP Race Performance

Week #25 of the DMX Frid’Eh Update belongs to Tanner Scott from Oro Medonte, ON and is brought to you by RP Race Performance

By Billy Rainford

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Brought to you by RP Race Performance.
Week #25 belongs to Tanner Scott from Oro Medonte, Ontario. | Bigwave photo

Welcome to Week #25 of the DMX Frid’Eh Update brought to you by RP Race Performance. I’ve made it back home from the western swing of the 2024 Canadian Triple Crown Series MX Nationals but it’s not been fun so far. With the site growing, I’ve been forced to move DMX to a new server. They. make it sound so straight forward on any site or YouTube video I watched before diving in. Well, it hasn’t been.

My latest issue has been with verifying the change. You’re supposed to get a verification code sent to your email address but the email address doesn’t work because the site hasn’t been verified yet! It’s a vicious circle of nonsense and dead ends.

It’s like trying to get your first job and being told you need more experience to get hired. How am I going to get experience if I don’t get hired?!

Anyway, I’ve wanted to simply throw my computer against the wall and go mow lawns for a living a few times, but I’ve managed to talk myself down off the ledge, so far…

(NB: I mowed lawns during the summers when I was in university and absolutely loved it!)

My only relief has been going for bike rides…

Nope! It’s been so damn hot here in the area that cycling has been a death march every time I’ve gone out! Everyone should be very glad that Gopher Dunes isn’t this weekend because it would be one of those years where just making it to the finish line would be an accomplishment. It’s really hot and the humidity is through the roof.

So, getting out the door and away from the Live Help Chat hasn’t been the relief I’ve been hoping for the past few days. I’m getting to know them all on a personal level it seems. Actually, the heat and humidity are supposed to break this weekend, so it shouldn’t be so bad for much longer.

Yep, the #DMXVan made it home from another trip across the country. Thank you to Hatt Automotive in Calgary for getting me set up with a couple new front tires and doing a couple other little things that helped make the trip go as smoothly as it could. I have an ABS light that seems to come on intermittently that will not allow me to use the cruise control. Whenever it would come on, I’d head off the highway at the next exit, turn the van off then on again, and that would do the trick. I’m sure it’s nothing…

Another oil change (making a grand total of 53) and I’ll be good to go for what I can only assume will be the final time this van makes the journey out to Moncton and hopefully back. However, I feel like I’ve been saying this for some time now.

What’s the odometer reading, you ask? 415,000K.

Week #25 belongs to Tanner Scott from Ontario. Tanner is travelling the series this summer with his buddy #50 Crayden Dillon. Both of these guys are excellent Snocross racers. In fact, Crayden in the current and defending Amsoil Snowcross Champion.

Tanner won the Fox Bronze Boot at the TransCan at Walton Raceway two tears in a row in 2021 and 2022! Only he and Jeremy McKie (2018-2019) have ever done that before.

Here’s a look at how Tanner’s 2024 250 Pro/Am season is going up after 3 rounds of racing:

We got in touch with him for this week’s interview. Here’s what he had to say:

Here’s what the 2-time Fox Bronze Boot winner had to say this week. | Bigwave 2021 photo

Direct Motocross: Hey, Tanner. I think it’s great that you’re doing the entire series this summer. You’re on the road with 450 rider, #50 Crayden Dillon. How did this arrangement come up?

Tanner Scott: It’s funny actually, it was the Monday two weeks before round 1. Crayden was over and I wasn’t really interested in going this year. I was not in. Crayden and my dad talked me into it and we were rushing around all week to get on the road for round 1.

We’re 3 rounds into the series. Let’s go over them now. Calgary was first. 11-9 for 10th overall. How was Calgary this year? I know you told me it was better than last year. Can you elaborate?

Same result as last year for us at Calgary. Overall, I feel like I could’ve been better that day but we just weren’t. From subpar starts to falls, that’s what we were dealt with and I didn’t score points at round 1 last year so we took the positives from the day.

Then we went to Raymond, AB the following week. First, off, it was new for me and I thought the track itself was great.. What did you think of the track and the facility there at Temple Hill MX?

Sweet track but the track was gnarly. I think everyone has the same opinion – it was good racing and a cool track, just super hard to pass.

Tanner admits he just wasn’t a big fan of the Prairie Hill MX track in Raymond, Alberta. | Bigwave photo

You finished 12-10 to miss the top 10 by 2 positions. How did your races go there?

It was all right. First moto I put myself up into a decent position to move forward in the early laps and just a dumb mistake and I took myself and (Hayden) Jameson down then we played catch up, but we got better each weekend and that has been the goal.

Did you manage to get into the mountains at all during the week you were so close to them? What did you do for fun while you guys were in the west?

We actually didn’t race WCAN which probably wasn’t our best idea, but we were alone and don’t think either of us could keep a bike together, to be honest. So we spent the week in Banff touring trying to soak it all in while we were out there. We road MTB, went to Lake Louise, and did lots of road biking.

And then we headed east to Manitoba. Did you do any practice days during the week leading up to the races?

Ya, we rode at Prairie Hill MX for the Tuesday practice then went to Shadow Valley on Thursday. Manitoba has some phenomenal tracks.  I’m surprised we don’t see more Nationals out there.  I just think the area hurts for them cuz there’s nothing around.

And then at Prairie Hill MX you had a better day going 9-8 for 8th overall. How did those motos go?

It was a good day for us. I really gelled with the track and believe I can be up front with those guys. The slow, technically rutty track was just like being at Walton. It was cool. Track was sick for how it was in the morning too.

Tanner has all the credentials from his amateur days! Here he is winning the JSR Trophy at the ECAN at Motocross Deschambault in 2022. | Bigwave photo

If you had to rate the first 3 tracks, how would you rank them? What did you like and what did you dislike?

Calgary is always sweet, definitely higher up on my list, like a bucket list track. Cool jumps and it forms pretty good

Lethbridge. I’m not gonna lie, I hated it. I just felt like it was too narrow in spots and scared me. I definitely was sceptical of 40 riders going down that hill.

Pilot Mound is definitely in my top 5 tracks in the series, it was dope. The rain didn’t help us in the morning but by the end of the day the track was sick.

And how has life on the road been? Do you guys have certain things you each look after on the trailer or anything like that?

It just depends on the day. We both pitched in on most of the chores around the trailer and you would’ve been surprised how clean it was for two teenage boys.

Watch for Tanner to keep moving towards the front as we get to more familiar tracks in the east. | Bigwave photo

Who does most of the cooking and what are the meals like?

I cooked most of the time. We ate the same three meals the whole trip. Lol Like sausages burgers or pulled chicken wraps.

What will you do for this break before Round 4 at Gopher Dunes?

Probably chill out. I’m going to take a week off, just refresh, and then I gotta dial in the starts and be ready to go in two weeks.

Hey, are we going to see you give AMA Supercross a shot in the future?

It’s definitely something on the bucket list, I don’t know if it’ll ever happen though. Just lack of opportunity here in Ontario. You don’t see many SX tracks around and you have to be on it so young because it’s hard to learn. Definitely will be hitting an (AMA Pro Motocross) outdoor round at some point though.

OK, thanks for taking some time with us this week. Enjoy the break and we’ll see you at Gopher Dunes. Who would you like to thank?

My mom and dad, Brentwood Roofing, Bondi Engines, St. Onge bike shop, Husqvarna Canada, Fox, JC Seitz, 139 Designs, TL Tire.

Triple Crown Logo

So, I don’t really want to do them, but I feel they’re a necessary part of any world class series. I’m talking about the post-race highlights videos. I didn’t do them at the first 2 rounds because I was told the series would be putting out their own. That made me happy. Unfortunately, they haven’t been doing them, so I’ll jump in and do them for DMX with the help of FXR Moto again for the rest of the summer.

Just make sure someone lets me know if and when they start doing them!

They’re definitely more of a recap because one person with one camera is pretty tough to catch all the action, but I’ll keep calling them “highlights” because I think that gets more attention.

Here’s the video from Round 2 in Manitoba:

It was so damn windy that I decided I wouldn’t be able to do my “Bigwave’s Pit Walk Wrap-Up Show” (Could that be the new title? Thank you, Michelle Halstead.) at the end of the day. It was literally pushing people off balance as they stood around! I did manage to do my MTB Loop though. Of course, after finishing it, I looked at the GoPro and it showed a memory card error, so I had to go to the gate again, just like I, too, got red flagged. Here’s that video showing that my scorecard reads 0 and 3 so far this summer:

Here’s a look the the points as we get set to head east:

FXR Premix  View Laptimes    
Overall Nbr   Name Moto 1 Moto 2
 Narol, MB 
2nd 1st
 2nd   #1W  Yamaha  BROCK HOYER
 Williams Lake, BC 
1st 2nd
 3rd   #477  Yamaha  JOEY PARKES
 Nanaimo, BC 
5th 3rd
 4th   #228  Husqvarna  RYDEN SAFRON
 Eckville, AB 
4th 4th
 5th   #15  KTM  DEXTER SEITZ
 Rocky View, AB 
3rd 5th
 6th   #21  Husqvarna  ADRIEN DESMARAIS
 Niverville, MB 
6th 6th
 7th   #315  KTM  TREY SCHMUCKI
 Red Deer County, AB 
7th 7th
 8th   #238  Kawasaki  DEEGAN PERFANICK
 Sunnyside, MB 
10th 8th
 9th   #27  Gas Gas  BRODY SCHURE
 Neepawa, MB 
9th 10th
 10th   #367  Husqvarna  SEAN VINCENT
 Saltcoats, SK 
11th 9th
 11th   #103  Husqvarna  ASHTON HALBERT
 Winnipeg, MB 
8th 12th
 12th   #37  Kawasaki  RYDER PERFANICK
 Sunnyside, MB 
12th 11th
 13th   #421  Yamaha  JUSTIN BEGG
 Halifax, NS 
13th 13th
 14th   #117  Yamaha  RYAN SULLIVAN
 Abbotsford, BC 
14th DNF
 15th   #23  Yamaha  BRYCE BOLIN
 Narol, MB 
15th DNF


THOR WMX  View Laptimes    
Overall Nbr   Name Moto 1 Moto 2
 1st   #1  KTM  EVE BRODEUR
 St Joseph de Beauce, QC 
2nd 1st
 Wildomar, CA 
1st 3rd
 3rd  #3w  Husqvarna  KAYLIE KAYER
 Savona, BC 
3rd 2nd
 Williams Lake, BC 
4th 4th
 5th  #11  Husqvarna  ANI FERGUSON
 lle des Chenes, MB 
7th 5th
 Burnt River, ON 
8th 6th
 7th  #9W  Husqvarna  TEA FERGUSON
 Ile des Chenes, MB 
6th 10th
 8th  #7E  Husqvarna  CIEL FERGUSON
 Ile Des Chenes, MB 
10th 7th
 9th  #24  Gas Gas  BAILEE BANCARZ
 Leduc County, AB 
9th 8th
 10th  #7W  Husqvarna  KATRINE FERGUSON
 Ile des Chenes, MB 
5th 13th
 11th  #28  Kawasaki  BAILEY ORBANSKI
 Arborg, MB 
11th 9th
 12th  #333  Gas Gas  LAUREN PUHLMANN
 Gladmar, SK 
13th 11th
 13th  #726  Husqvarna  JESSICA RAND
 Winnipeg, MB 
12th 12th
 14th  #87  Kawasaki  MICHAELA HAMM
 Oak Bluff, MB 
14th 14th


250 PRO / AM  View Laptimes  
Overall Nbr   Name Moto 1 Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #300  Kawasaki  DREW ADAMS
1st 1st 50
 2nd   #402  Kawasaki  GAGE LINVILLE
 Lakepark, GA 
2nd 3rd 42
 3rd   #12  Yamaha  SEBASTIEN RACINE
 Casselman, ON 
4th 2nd 40
 4th   #26  KTM  KAVEN BENOIT
 Ste-Perpetue, QC 
3rd 4th 38
 5th   #30  Yamaha  AUSTIN JONES
 Perth, ON 
5th 7th 30
 6th   #59  KTM  WYATT KERR
Cambridge , ON 
8th 5th 29
 7th   #14  Kawasaki  QUINN AMYOTTE
 Blackstock, ON 
6th 10th 26
 8th   #25  Husqvarna  TANNER SCOTT
 Oro Medonte, ON 
9th 8th 25
 9th   #33  GasGas  TYLER YATES
 Duncan, BC 
11th 9th 22
 10th   #143  Honda  TIGER WOOD
 Barrie, ON 
7th 14th 21
 11th   #24  Yamaha  ZACH UFIMZEFF
12th 11th 19
 12th   #66  KTM  NOAH PORTER
 Williams Lake, BC 
10th 13th 19
 13th   #19  Kawasaki  DYLAN REMPEL
 Aylmer, On 
DNF 6th 15
 14th   #34  Kawasaki  DEVYN SMITH
 Mission, BC 
16th 12th 14
 Red Deer County, AB 
13th 15th 14
 16th   #87  Yamaha  LIAM DODDS
 Revelstoke, BC 
14th 16th 12
 17th   #86  Honda  BRYCE WADGE
 Stonewall, MB 
15th 18th 9
 18th   #181  Yamaha  ALEX GATT
 Penticton, BC 
21st 17th 4
 19th   #975  KTM  CORENTIN DIETZ
 Hudson, QC 
19th 19th 4
 20th   #97  Yamaha  WYATT HASIL
 Langdon, AB 
17th 34th 4
 21st   #165  KTM  LOGAN BURNS
 Sault Ste Marie, ON 
18th 25th 3
 22nd   #424  Kawasaki  NOLAN DICKINSON
 Cherry Valley, IL 
20th 20th 2
 23rd   #141  KTM  DANNY ROBERTSON
 Calgary, AB 
23rd 21st 0
 24th   #251  Kawasaki  EASTON BLOCK
 Weston, WI 
34th 22nd 0
 25th   #151  Yamaha  JESSE WESTFALL
 Morden, MB 
22nd 23rd 0
 Red Deer County, AB 
32nd 24th 0
 27th   #79  Honda  DAWSON GRAVELLE
 Mission, BC 
24th 26th 0
 28th   #400  Yamaha  CONNOR BENDICKSON
 Gladmar, SK 
26th 27th 0
 29th   #38  Yamaha  ADAM GAUTHIER
 Chapleau, ON 
27th 28th 0
 30th   #118  KTM  MICHAEL HALLSON
 Winnipeg, MB 
29th 29th 0
 31st   #277  Yamaha  SETH UNRAU
28th 30th 0
 32nd   #194  Suzuki  TYLER SCHUBERT
31st 31st 0
 33rd   #711  Husqvarna  BOSTON BEAUCHESNE
 Assiniboia, SK 
33rd 32nd 0
 34th   #647  KTM  CARVER FRIESEN
 Grunthal, MB 
25th 33rd 0
 35th   #328  KTM  TALAN HANSEN
 Kingsford, MI 
36th 35th 0
 36th   #46x  Kawasaki  DAVID DYCK
 Gladstone, MB 
37th 36th 0
 37th   #316  Honda  EVAN STICE
 Carmen, ID 
35th 37th 0
 38th   #33x  KTM  ETHAN DOUGLAS
 Morden, MB 
30th DNF 0
 39th   #53  Yamaha  ASHTON VERMETTE
 Aubigny, MB 
38th DNF 0
 DNF   #338  Honda  ORRIN ELMORE
 Telkwa, BC 
Place – Name
Number – Hometown
Total Points
#26 – ste-perpetue, Qu
1st   1st 4th 128
#402 – Lakepark, Ge
3rd   3rd 2nd 120 (-8)
2nd   8th 1st 118 (-10)
#12 – Casselman, On
4th   10th 3rd 96 (-32)
#59 – , ON
9th   4th 6th 87 (-41)
#14 – Blackstock, On
12th   2nd 7th 82 (-46)
#143 – Barrie, On
7th   6th 10th 76 (-52)
#30 – Perth, On
14th   7th 5th 69 (-59)
#25 – Oromedonte, On
10th   12th 8th 67 (-61)
#316 – Carmen, Id
5th   5th   61 (-67)
8th   14th 11th 60 (-68)
#66 – WilliamsLake, Br
13th   11th 12th 55 (-73)
#32 – RedDeerCounty, Al
11th   13th 15th 53 (-75)
#33 – Duncan, BC
17th   9th 9th 52 (-76)
#29 – Mission, Br
6th   18th   38 (-90)
#34 – Mission, Br
16th   19th 14th 32 (-96)
#87 – Revelstoke, Br
20th   17th 16th 25 (-103)
#19 – Aylmer, On
    15th 13th 24 (-104)
19th – ALEX GATT
#181 – Penticton, Br
    16th 18th 13 (-115)
#113 – Mead, Wa
15th       12 (-116)
#86 – Stonewall, Ma
    23rd 17th 12 (-116)
450 PRO  View Laptimes  
Overall Nbr   Name Moto 1 Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #23  KTM  JOSIAH NATZKE
 Mount Maunganui, NZ 
1st 1st 50
 2nd   #15  KTM  JESS PETTIS
 Saint-Alphonse-de-gr, QC 
2nd 3rd 42
 3rd   #109  Kawasaki  AARON TANTI
 Edens Landing, AUS 
5th 2nd 38
 4th   #808  Yamaha  PRESTON KILROY
 Afton, WY 
3rd 4th 38
 5th   #17  Husqvarna  JULIEN BENEK
 Mission, BC 
7th 5th 30
 6th   #84  Kawasaki  TANNER WARD
 Woodstock, ON 
6th 6th 30
 7th   #1  Honda  DYLAN WRIGHT
 Drummondville, QC 
9th 7th 26
 8th   #377  Yamaha  DANIEL ELMORE
 Telkwa, BC 
8th 9th 25
 9th   #670  Honda  GAVIN BROUGH
 Mesquite, NE 
11th 8th 23
 10th   #18  KTM  PARKER EALES
 Maple Ridge, BC 
10th 10th 22
 11th   #171  Yamaha  JOSH MOSIMAN
12th 11th 19
 12th   #8  Kawasaki  MITCHELL HARRISON
 Leesburg, FL 
4th 28th 18
 13th   #10  Yamaha  KEYLAN MESTON
 Rocky View County, AB 
15th 12th 15
 14th   #50  Yamaha  CRAYDEN DILLON
 Zephyr, ON 
14th 13th 15
 15th   #22  Yamaha  TYLER GIBBS
 Mission, BC 
13th 14th 15
 16th   #528  Kawasaki  RYAN PETERS
 Mandan, ND 
18th 15th 9
 17th   #365  Yamaha  TYLER LOWE
17th 16th 9
 Rocksprings, WY 
16th 17th 9
 19th   #40  KTM  BRENDAN SIPPLE
20th 18th 4
 20th   #41  KTM  RYAN DERRY
 Thornhill, ON 
19th 19th 4
 21st   #58  Husqvarna  TOMMY DALLAIRE
22nd 20th 1
 22nd   #139  Yamaha  NATHEN LAPORTE
 Oshkosh, WI
30th 21st 0
 23rd   #76  Yamaha  KEVIN SULLIVAN
 Sutton West, ON 
26th 22nd 0
 24th   #168  KTM  CALE KUCHNICKI
 Eaton Rapids, MI 
24th 23rd 0
 25th   #192  Kawasaki  ETHAN OUELLETTE
 Campbell River, BC 
23rd 24th 0
 26th   #176  Yamaha  BRANDON GREEN
 Brooks, MI 
27th 25th 0
 27th   #228  Yamaha  LUKE VANLYSSEL
 Fremont, WI 
25th 26th 0
 28th   #196  Honda  CONRAD SCHIPPER
 , Io 
28th 27th 0
 29th   #270  Honda  JOSHUA PENNER
 Letellier, MM 
21st 29th 0
 30th   #979  KTM  PHILIP MAUS
 Albany, MI 
29th DNF 0
Place – Name
Number – Hometown
Total Points
#15 – Saint-Alphonse-de-gr, Qu
1st   1st 2nd 136
#23 – MountMaunganui, Ba
4th   2nd 1st 123 (-13)
#808 – Afton, Wy
6th   4th 4th 106 (-30)
#109 – EdensLanding, Qu
7th   3rd 3rd 103 (-33)
#1 – Drummondville, Qu
2nd   8th 7th 98 (-38)
#8 – Leesburg, Fl
3rd   5th 12th 90 (-46)
#84 – Woodstock, On
5th   7th 6th 89 (-47)
#17 – Mission, Br
11th   6th 5th 81 (-55)
#18 – MapleRidge, Br
10th   10th 10th 66 (-70)
#670 – Mesquite, Ne
8th   13th 9th 65 (-71)
#377 – Telkwa, Br
12th   12th 8th 65 (-71)
#10 – RockyViewCounty, Al
9th   9th 13th 62 (-74)
#50 – Zephyr, On
16th   16th 14th 36 (-100)
#482 – Eckville, Al
13th   11th   34 (-102)
#22 – Mission, Br
    18th 15th 21 (-115)
#171 – , 
      11th 19 (-117)
#246 – Rochester, Wa
17th   17th   18 (-118)
#617 – Rochester, Wa
    14th   15 (-121)
#711 – Eckville, Al
14th       13 (-123)
#40 – AUSTIN, TX
19th   20th 19th 12 (-124)

Next Round:

Gopher Dunes

Courtland, Ontario

July 7, 2024

AMA Pro Motocross Logo 2023

The AMA Pro Motocross Championship also takes a week off before heading to Southwick next weekend. It’s always too bad when our off weeks don’t sync up. It would be cool to see who would make the journey north to race our series on their off week. Oh well. It’s also too bad that Red Bud overlaps with Gopher Dunes in a couple weeks. I mean, I suppose I could hit both, but that’s asking a lot from the old van…and me.

#107 Ryder McNabb. | Brown Dog Wilson photo

Canadian AEO Motorsports KTM rider #107 Ryder McNabb is currently sitting in 21st spot, but you can see that he’s starting get the hang of racing down south, so let’s watch as he keeps gaining more and more points throughout the rest of the summer.

2024 WSX Schedule

WSX World Supercross logo

Well, at this point, we’re starting the 2024 WSX Championship at BC Place in Vancouver.

From WSX:

This year, the FIM World Supercross Championship kicks off at BC Place in Vancouver, Canada, for Round 1 on 26 October. Next up, it’s Perth, Australia, for Rounds 2 and 3 with a double-header event at HBF Park on 23-24 November. Abu Dhabi will host Round 4, the season finale, on 4 December at Etihad Arena, with WSX joining a thrilling week of motorsport action on Yas Island, where the series’ 2024 Champions will be crowned.

I was advised not to add anything substantial to the website this week that I wasn’t prepared to do over again, so that’s why I haven’t posted a big Photo Report or Faces at the Races yet. I’ve had to give them my personal email so they can send me a verification code and then they can do the final SSL activation. THEN, I can have them switch it back to my DMX email and then everything should be good to go. I joked that I was having a lot of fun doing this on the last Help Chat and they just sent back a smiley face. Haha.

My buddy just got some new gold clubs so we’re gonna head to the driving range later this afternoon and then see if the Edmonton Oilers can take this thing to Game 7.

Enjoy the off weekend, everyone.

I’m going to let #165 Logan Burns have the honours this week. He was out west alone in his van. I saw him sitting at the line and asked him if I could hold his bike while he packed his gate. He thanked me but said no. You should have seen the hole where the actual gate dropped down! What a guy and what a great story. “See you at the races…
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