Faces at the Races|Ulverton Round 6
By Billy Rainford
Photos by Jeff McConkey and Bigwave
Yikes, having Jeff shoot some photos at the races isn’t making these ‘Faces at the Races‘ columns any shorter! Once again, we set Jeff up with a camera and a general shooting setting to go along with it and off he went into the action. It’s time for our favourite column to write where we put our tongues in our cheeks and have a good time. Here’s a look at some of the people who were in Ulverton this past weekend.

Melissa was skeptical about sending Jeff out…or she bit her cheek.

It was round 2 of the Women’s East Nationals in Ulverton on Saturday.

Now, I’m no moto mechanic, nut Westen Wrozyna’s equipment doesn’t look exactly right here.

You pretty much see it all at a race in Quebec.

Jeff almost gets Jacqueline Ross and her dad in the frame here, but I kind of like it.

Kevin Tyler answers the question, “What kind of accent is over the é here?” (Google it, Bowker!)

I gave Scott Jeffery a quarter for doing this…

KTM’s Claudie Lapointe and Women’s East organizer, Leah Clarke.

Hey look, Nicky Beatty is back at the races.

There’s a lot going on in this photo and yet I can’t think of a caption.

Now THAT’S ‘Blue Steel!’

We all know how it feels to be heading to the line for a big race. It feels exactly like THIS.

I have no idea what they were going for here, and I’m not sure they do either.

You gotta be quick, Daryl.

Told ya!

Hydrating before tackling the hills of Ulverton MX.

Did it just get awkward?


No wait, we’re back to awkward again.

Alexandra Raymond is still nursing some injured elbows.

“Hi, did someone call for a tall, slim, crime fighter on a tiny bike? I’m here.”

Jay Burke had to do some welding to his trailer after getting hung up on the way in, but it’s no big deal for a guy like him. Fixed.

Hey, Jeff’s just like me – he doesn’t offer to help, just snaps a photo and moves on.

Artsy B&W.

Yep, we’re living Yorkie cross lifestyle at my place too.

This tender moment brought to you by the good people at Hallmark…

JC Bujold.

According to Leah’s interview, she is currently looking for a replacement to run things in 2017 and beyond. Who’s up for the challenge?

That’s a solid game face, right there.

What has 2 thumbs and got a new, fancy 300mm lens he has no idea about? Yep, Mitch Goheen.

Waiting for the gate to drop.

OK, are we mean-mugging or not?

He’s probably too young to catch a Happy Days reference here, so…

Nicky getting Chloe Metcalfe ready for a start. The guy wins one set of truck wheels and thinks he’s an expert!

Pants really aren’t made to house bulky knee braces.

Kim Normandin heading to the line.

Yep, we had a 666.

I had a great caption until I realized it wasn’t ‘Hatchett.’

Dylan Wright is a lot lighter when it’s not HIM going to the line to race.

“Um, what is “A problem I’ll never have when I take my helmet off” for $800 please, Alex.”

Megan Brodeur gets her holeshot award.

Cynthia Gauthier gets her Hard Charger Award.

Get used to this.

Swim goggles next time, Eve.

Hey look, it’s Lane Gagne.

Out of focus but still funny.

Look at the guns on Davey Fraser.

Les Gagne.

Na na na na na na na…you know who!

There’s no way this is appropriate for Robbie Feder to do or for me to post…lol

Donk and Steve Simms unpack for Sunday.

You want a good story? Go chat with Doug Pettis.

Westen with a box full of parts.

Artsy Shawn Maffenbeier pic.

Teammate Eric Jeffery.

Any idea who this might be?

Cole Thompson is definitely the gut to beat in MX2.

If you didn’t have your suspension sorted out at Ulverton, you were in for one heck of a ride!

No, I didn’t use the one where the tire iron flew across the pits, Paul Delaurier…

Silhouetted grip work in the KTM pit.

Delicate skid plate work by Brent Halstead.

I like this one of #28 Keylan Meston.

Glamour shot of Eve Brodeur. What here Twitter blow up now!

Getting Kassie Boone ready to race.

And Isabelle Thibault.

Samantha Crepin gets set to roll into her gate.

Shakka, dudette.

I just wanted to reference Jim Hall from SNL here: “I just sorta wandered in!”

Where does all that hair go, Chloe?

Thumbs up from #451 Chantal Benard…maybe TOO up!

Keeping it light at the line.

Ooh, Robin didn’t get the lightness memo!

That’s the game face of a champion, right there.

Psyching Kim up for her race.

Vanessa Paquette visualizing a good moto.

#111 Breanna Rose needed some help so Maff stepped up. Unfortunately, it was only a one-moto contract.

We capture the tender moments…with horns.

See no evil…ah, forget it.

Breakfast of champions for Hayden Halstead.

Dave Blanchet made an appearance in Ulverton.

Drew Roberts suffered shoulder issues and couldn’t race.

He’s zero years old and just wanted to rip down the big hills! Good luck, Jocelyn and Colton!

Shawn Robinson didn’t have a whole lot to smile about after riders meeting.

Graeme Brough gets technical.

Meet Keith, the new driver for Redemption Racing. No, that wasn’t from moto.

Michael Fowler surveys the land.

Ever had a Dusty Brough Burger? Get the cheese…

Was Tyler hoping for a mudder?

Not in this white get-up, says Maff.

Jason Hughes breaks double digits on Instagram.

Papa Burger runs a clean ship.

There are a lot of Broughs in this one.

Julien strikes a morning pose.

How much Batman is too much Batman?

That’s #529 Broc Loftus and his dad.

Chloe and Robin. Happiness is a golf cart!

Cole Thompson lets Jeff know how he feels about his lurking around.

Alex Jeffery didn’t mind one little bit.

These guys were this close all day!

If you’re scoring at home, Josh Cox has lost 70 pounds!

Claudie and her BF.

Tyler Rayner says he’ll be back on a bike later this summer.

This guy is looking i the correct direction to flag this moto.

Max can’t surf. Don’t believe the hype!

Heading to watch a moto.

We later learned it was a fork issue for Tim Tremblay in that first moto.

Check it out, Kyle Swanson finally got some graphics!

Mike Alessi ready for action.

Isabelle Thibault from the other side of the fence.

By the way, Brett Metcalfe also ran a paddle tire and so did Colton Facciotti.

Getting a full sniff of race fuel helps calm the nerves.

“Gullimer” St-Cyr heading to the line.

Westen will likely close out the series and skip Loretta’s…or will he?

Check out that 2017 FXR gear on Jess Pettis!

The incredible Matryoshka Broughs. (Google THAT, Bowker!)

Nobody else seemed to notice that Shawn ‘Chris Angel’ Maffenbeier was levitating!

Logan Karnow has not had a good Canadian season so far.

Steph and Cole after a moto win.

Shawn and Josh.

Dylan Wright gets his Royal Distributing Holeshot Award.

Chloe gets Cole sorted out after a grueling race

I have no idea why this shot is flipped. I don’t even know how to do that!

Have we found the limit yet?

Cheer for Broc in the Maritimes.

Derek hit me right in the left eye with a mud ball. True story.

Topping Colton off.

Extreme close-up!

This is not my shot. I assume they WANTed their nostrils photographed?

Ever see that Twilight Zone where that watch could stop time? Well, I hope nobody broke it!

Mat Goerke creeps a little closer to Davi in the points.

What, me worry?

Starbursts are sort of a thing with Cade and Jeff.

2017 looks good for FXR.

There’s a Monty Python’s ‘The Holy Grail’ joke in here that I don’t think I’ll touch, but I know Dawn McClintock will be texting me in 3, 2, 1…

Cole picking his gate.

That’s past Bronze Boot winner, #53 Taylor Arsenault.

#47 Dylan Delaplace needs some racing luck but says he’s having the time of his life traveling the country in a van and trailer with buddies.

The paddle tire that would earn Cade $300.

If only that row of porta johns wasn’t in this shot.

Kaven had no back brake in that second moto!

Kaven and his mom.

Kaven gets on the podium.

Brett takes the second moto, convincingly.

Kaven tossed a jersey into the crowd. I’m guessing whoever got will have to sew it back together. It was chaos!

I’m guessing he’ll be a champion one day.

Quebec posse at riders meeting.

Ryeley Gallup.

Shouldn’t he have a guy for that?!

What do you want? FXR sponsors our recap show!

Hayden readies his gate.

Alexandre Morin.

JC Bujold.

Brett ready for a win.

Tim gets set.

Alex Harvill.

#38 Jay Burke.

Ryan Derry has graduated from university as an Engineer and even has a gig in the industry, and yet here he is in Ulverton! Moto is NOT easy to walk away from.

I’m sure we all got this shot of the crowd in Ky’s sunglasses.

“Really, Cole, Bigwave had NOTHING to do with your win today?”

Braydon is all business here.

Danielle Alessi ready for the second moto.

Kaven throws more swag.

Seriously, Josh Snider was serious when he said you have to do all the work at the end of the day in Nova Scotia while he sits around and watches.

It’s time to go do the recap video, Melissa. Are you excited?

Maff does his best Rick Bradwahaw camera impression…and doesn’t even know it.

See you out in your home area, Ernie!

Eve Brodeur says, “I can’t see you at the races…”