Faces at the Races|Calgary Round 3
By Billy Rainford
Photos by Bigwave and Jeff McConkey
It’s time for our weekly look under the helmets in our favourite column, ‘Faces at the Races.’ Here’s round 3 of the Rockstar Energy MX Nationals at Wild Rose MX Park in Calgary, Alberta.
Remember, this is all in good fun. No animals or feelings were hurt in the production of this column.

‘Faces at the Races’ is brought to you by Factory Ride Suspension. Be sure to check them out!

GDR’s Derek Schuster was down a rider Sunday, but that didn’t stop him from working on a 250. He and Adam Turner headed to Brad Nauditt’s pit and did a motor swap and set.

We had the rare opportunity to snag a photo of two Canadians with the red plates early Sunday morning.

What do you think Colton is saying to Cole here?

#17 Dylan Wright getting a bit of foot relief before putting his boot on.

Checking out the riders’ meeting.

Kevin Tyler put me up to taking this shot of Davi Millsaps watching as Paul Kingsley goes over the flags. Too soon? Just a joke, people!

Someone ISN’t laughing.

Lets see YOU get a normal shot of Shawn Maffenbeier!

Team Jeffery.

Paul Kingsley leading riders’ through the race day morning meeting.

We wanted to get #69 Ryeley Gallup to slowly ride past us without a helmet again for the video but were too embarrassed to ask. “Rag top down so my hair can flow…”

#19 Morgan Burger heading back to the pits.

“Do you know that guy with the camera, cuz I don’t!”

Casey Keast and Kyle Springman.

Idaho/Utah invasion.

This was not to be #324 Dylan Kaelin’s day.

It’s great news that #6 Jamie Munro doesn’t have anything broken after her rough crash Saturday.

Lot’s of great giveaways at the Women’s West Prize Table.

Sometimes, 300ml is all you need to make it through.

#151 Lexi ‘Fo-Sho’ Pechout.

#1w Sara King.

#50 Shelby Turner.

She grabbed both RTR Performance holeshot cheques.


Kourtney Lloyd helping Sara…read a book??!!

#5 Dominique Daffé is usually smiling.

#447 Jamie Burmey turned a lot of heads Saturday.

Just give me photo credit for your new FB profile pic, Rod Matechuk.

Tracey Biro and Doug Pettis yukking it up.

Kyle Swanson is helping out #551 Mitchell Bradbury and vice versa.

#55 Vince Friese and Robbie Feder looking like an old married couple.

#3 Brett Metcalfe getting ready for action.

#27 Shawn Robinson pre-race.

Vince becoming one with the start gate. It worked in the first moto and he pulled the Royal Distributing Holeshot.

You heard me, your teammate pulled a holeshot!

Two happy dad’s on Father’s Day.

Canadian red plate photo op. Thanks for setting this up, Kevin Thompson.

Rock ‘n roll is the hard life!

Mike Smith gives us this look a lot.

Florida’s Marcus Nilsen in the pits.

Steph LeBlanc quietly keeps the big orange machine ticking on race days.

Steve Simms made a mess of his shin with a very sharp foot peg. Yes, that needs stitches, Steve!

Why isn’t Tim Horton’s involved in moto at some level?

Not sure what Cole Thompson calls this look, but it’s definitely NOT Blue Steel.

Derek Medaglia is still hands on in the Husky pits. One more year, Derek?

A combo Blue Steel/Duck Face from Cade Clason.

If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit!

“Did someone just make an OJ reference?” Too soon?

“Sorry, can’t talk right now. These hotdogs aren’t gonna vend themselves!”

Josh Cox definitely had the busiest weekend of anyone. Ask him!

These Arsenault boys are poised to make their splash very soon.

Dylan Kaelin was feeling it early in the day.

That’s #486 Damon Back from Utah. Yes, another rider from Utah.

Cole Thompson with a quiet moment before the action starts.

It’s fun to watch riders prep their concrete start pads.

#20 Jess Pettis putting the finishing touches on his.

Then took time for a little hand jive…jazz hands?

I hope they’re talking about what I hope they’re talking about…

#70 Brandan Leith will be in Regina, and then…

#5 Tyler Medaglia nails the Blue Steel.

Paul DeLaurier and Davi Millsaps.

JSR and Kaven Benoit talk start strategy…and it works!

You’re allowed to use things you find around the start area.

“I was coming in like brrrraap, and he just came in and was like brrrraap straight into me!”

#101 Mark Worth wondering who exactly Jeff McConkey is. We all have the same questions, Mark.

Gotcha, Ross Thompson!

Clear vision is a priority.

Well, this isn’t gonna be a very exciting dirt bike race!

I remember when we all had the can-shaped WD-40 stickers on our bikes because they sponsored EVeryone!

When Derek Medaglia has to resort to a little handbook, look out!

Maybe it was instructions on how to apply the red Locktite?

Kevin Tyler checking out some racing.

Maff as 30-second guy.

It’s holeshot time!

Conversely, Dominique’s BF, Jared Petruska, is tough to get a smile out of.

Madi Watt and her support team.

Helping #30 Courtney Stelter.

Team Danyluk.

Nervous anticipation.

Kourt and Maff cruisin’.

Paul was quick to keep me on the straight and narrow as far as content was concerned.

Adam Turner and Derek Schuster helping out in Brad Nauditt’s pit.

MX101’s Johnny Grant made the trip to Calgary.

“I’d better Tweet that!”

2016 Team Canada MXON meeting.

Oh ya, you said no profile shots, Mark Stallybrass.

Pretend that didn’t happen…

Keep an eye on #551 Mitchell Bradbury in the future.

Julien Benek and Jacob Piccolo are another two to watch for.

There will be a lot of 1st’s beside this guy.

Jared Stock was racing and working retail in Calgary.

#4 Cole Thompson.

Todd Minnie gets told to smooth things out.

I thought you said pull over to watch this fight?!

Three capitals and a small letter. Lemme see what my Psych 101 tells me about that…

Ya, I’ll focus when you get me a pit board with my name on it!!!

They must be short staffed at the Springman’s place.

#800 Mike Alessi wandered over and picked rocks before a 250 moto.

#47 Dylan Delaplace.

Mike also took time with Dylan Wright before his moto. Mike is still ‘oh-fer’ on holeshots, believe it or not.

Some product placement.

Matt Goerke won’t smile until he gets some better luck. Maybe this week, Matt.

Davi Millsaps getting his TV interview.

Pull my finger.

Royal Distributing holeshot sward for Vince Friese.

Ricolaaaaaaa…. You have anything better?

The face of a guy who needs a bit of luck.

Rockstar gals through the trees.

Matt Goerke picking his gate.

There looked to be a pretty good crowd on hand in Calgary.

Jeff ‘McThoughts’ McConkey was in charge of the DMX tweets, and he goes with a one-thumb-only technique!

“You got to have a wrist band, wrist band, my man…” (Google it, Bowker!)

#259 Tallon LaFountaine.

#70 Brandan Leith.

#101 Mark Worth.

Tearing down the FXR booth.

Tearing down the KTM pits.

Cale Foster holding court.

Oakley AND 100%. Ya, well I was sponsored by Champion and NGK at the same time!

The MX1 podium: Davi Millsaps, Mike Alessi, Brett Metcalfe.

It was a Happy Father’s Day for Davi Millsaps.

Another step onto the podium for Brett Metcalfe.

#11 Kaven Benoit grabbed the 2nd moto holeshot.

Anyone else see a little Dan Stenning in there?

Thanks, Royal Distributing!

MX2 podium: Cole Thompson, Shawn Maffenbeier, Mark Worth.

Thanks again.


Mark gives Cole some congrats.

Jared actually captioned this one on his own: “Action Shot.”

That will do it for 2016 in Calgary. It’s time to head east to Regina with the rest of the carnies! See you at the races…