Faces at the Races – Ulverton National
Photos and Captions by Billy Rainford
We’ve come down to the second last national of the 2015 season. It was also our second time visiting the province of Quebec – the part of Canada that is synonymous with motorsports enthusiasm. The track in Ulverton is arguably the most picturesque on the circuit, with it’s elevation changes, winding river and grassy infield.
Here’s a closer look at some of the people that help make an event in Quebec like no other.

Tim Bennett from Tech Care Development is one of the good guys at the races.

At this point in Brittany Gagne’s day, everything was groovy.

Some last-minute encouragement.

Making sure Dylan Wright gets Krista’s gate prep right.

Zach getting Chloe ready to blast off.

Kenny preps the gate for Cassandra Belanger.

Heather Bennett needs someone to step up and update her helmet. 

Jessica Patterson was there to ensure a very long day for the rest of the field.

If you ever hear me behind you saying your name, be ready for the inevitable ‘click’ of the camera.

Keeping things calm before the storm.

Megan Bedard had every right to give a thumbs up. She had a great day!

Abby Tardelli gets set to redeem her rough start to the season.

Alexandra Raymond getting focused.

No one’s listening, Kevin. Something is going on over to your left.

Kassie Boone sees it.

That Shift gear looks pretty sweet!

Cassandra always has a smile on her face before the gate drops.

We hope Brittany is feeling better today. That was a hard crash!

Looking bored and tired is some people’s way of coping with pre-race stress.

Les Pacquettes.

I saw her later trying to steal my photography job!

Ready for action.

I just learned how to do the accent on the end of Paré. See!

I wish I had looked over there.

Some last-minute adjustments.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen that number in a Women’s race.

Ready to go.

Liam O’Farrell was the gate model for the day.

Natalie Wright may have the friendliest smile on the planet.

Not this guy!

The Rippa cheering on JP$. It’s all about nicknames, folks.

Allie crashed and ended her day early. I heard she was winded for a long time and that’s not fun.

You’ve seen the Seinfeld episode where George gets his photos developed by the wrong person, right?

Hey, what’s your wifi password?

Some fast kids in here. Watch for them this week at the TransCan.

Checking the board.

The other Jeff Ward.

Hey, Alex Jeffery. What did you get for question 3?

Staying calm on the line.

I get a kick out of watching youngsters feel awkward when parents try to love them. I remember the days…

Anyone know the ‘Better off Dead’ quote I’m resisting here?

Tanner Ward getting ready to win.


Maybe Wes Wrozyna is using the line on young Cameron.

After all this fancy reverse prep for Nick, he jumped the gate and started last.

Focus, Thomas! Hope you’re good to go for this week.

Cole Martinez trying out Seth Rarick’s new ride.

Robin Hutchinson had an off weekend…

Lindsay Bradley lined up between a big 450 and THE Jessica Patterson.

Pre-race nerves affect everyone!

Staying cool.

Hamming it up? I had nothing, sorry.

Quick, Westen, say something else! You’re freaking her out!

Simon with the skinny thumbs up. He’s lost a ton of weight!

Karel’s Korner is still wet with tears.

Well done, Liam.

Turning the board.

Had she known earlier, we may have seen Jessica this week.

Great job on the series, Leah Clarke.

Eve Brodeur will be referred to as the ‘two-time defending champion’ in 2016.

You NEVER want to let this girl get out front off the start.

But good luck with that!

Kim Normandin gets the Hard Charger Award.

Kassie Boone made the trip east and finished third in the series.

Sweet trophies, as usual, for the Women’s series.

Megan Brodeur.

So, we walked down to watch #122 Donk and #801 Guy Giroux race…

And guess what happened?

They both went down in the first turn. Classic.

KTM East Supermini Champ, Tanner Ward, with his sweet prize.

Great thinking! When the MX was done, it was the quads’ turn to race.

Cleaning off the boots.

Ooh, artsy.

See above.

This guy knows all the fast riders!

Donk helped out Liam in Quebec.

Yes, I have a better shot of Michael Da Silva getting his holeshot award, but why would I use it when Koster makes a face like this?!

The Champ.

It was a popular win for Kaven Benoit in Ulverton.

Jeremy Medaglia took the overall and sent a lucky fan a present…and started a riot!

Kaven getting interviewed by his dad. Cool.

Caption this one.

Speaking of riots, Kaven actually threw this to the crowd!

Seth’s pit.

Bobby Kiniry rode wide in this corner and spun his rear wheel through the berm on the sight lap in case he ended up heading there on the crowded first lap. He didn’t.

Brett and Frenchie. What do they call him in Quebec?

The Facciottis.

The battle at the front of the MX1 class is intense.

Cole Thompson seemed super un-pumped with his performance. I think he forgot that the top 4 were a minute ahead of 5th! That’s pretty impressive.

And also caption this one.

Marc Travers displays the cool HydroSlide wakeboards.

Brett greets the crowd.

As does Colton.

To the victor go the spoils. Drink up, Derek Schuster. Your guys won both classes!

Mrs. Metcalfe made the trip to Quebec.

The race had everything…including a pet duck.

Tanner was quick to put on his Kaven Benoit championship tee.

O’Farrell’s bike was randomly torn down by the CMRC. It was fine.

John Dowd finished 8th in MX1 and then TURNED FIFTY on Monday!

Every time I went to watch Adam race he was riding back to the pits. I missed every one.

Making the CMRC trailer look factory.

Guy and young Axel Giroux.

We’re trying to start the ‘which one of these guys gets the KTM MX2 offer for 2016?’ rumour.

Product placement.

I had to break up a terrible fight after this shot. Of course, I’m kidding!

I couldn’t help but notice this full plate of pills in front of Eric Jeffery. Sir, would you mind peeing into this cup for us? LOL

Women’s East Nationals final posium: Brodeur, Normandin, Boone.

Hopefully, Nick’s wrist isn’t as bad as they thought it might be.

Shawn Rife paying close attention during the riders’ meeting.

Kyle Swanson, Jess Pettis, and Dustin Creson. Hey, has Dustin seen what’s going on with the French contingent at the TransCan? He will…

Anyone feel like touching this one with a caption?

Liam is appearing in this F’aces’ a lot.

Nathan was in 3rd place in the second MX1 moto until the final lap in 2014. Not this year…

Teagan Williams getting set for a moto.

Taylor Ciampichini looking slick in his Strikt gear.

Go talk to Sylvain Brodeur when you get to Walton, Dustin.

Justin Roney pre-race.

That’s got to be warm, Guillaume, no?

I’m looking forward to seeing what the JC Bujold/Kyle Biro battle looks like this week in Intermediate.

THIS is why I tweeted about Nathan’s arm possibly being busted! He thought it was!

The younger Roney helping out.

Yes, Frenchie, he can see him RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM! LOL

“Ya, but they don’t read the board!”

Sean Hamblin was in Ulverton helping out Graham Scott.

Was this for Dowd or Mike Treadwell?

Look, it’s Liam and Donk again.

Dylan Wright had a great day in Ulverton.

Jeremy Medaglia finally put an end to Benoit’s win streak, but it was too late.

Hey, Claudie, where’s Jay Moore?!

OK, we’re late for Day 1 of the Parts Canada TransCan! Moto or XC, Guy? See you at the races…