Faces at the Races | San Diego SX | Leatt | MX101
Photos and Captions by Billy Rainford
It felt great to be at a Monster Energy AMA Supercross race again this past weekend in San Diego. Actually, it would have felt great to be anywhere in San Diego last weekend after leaving the ice and snow storm behind us back in Canada! After a 40-hour drive across the continent, Jack Wright and I were ready to catch some racing action.
With all the rain leading up to Saturday, nobody got a chance to ride the track for Press Day. In fact, the chance to watch a few riders on the track and interview them before this round was essentially canceled.
Anyway, the racing was some of the best we’ve seen in both classes. However, ‘Faces at the Races‘ isn’t about the racing on the track, it’s about the people on and around it. So, here’s our first edition for the Supercross season.

First things first…find the Canadian pits! That’s Rick and Lori Leitner surely checking out a DMX post of some sort while trainer, Sean Hamblin, enjoys a moment of calm.

Team PR-MX’s Julien Perrier was all the way out west with #471 Logan Karnow set to race his 250F in the 450 class. Unfortunately, Logan’s night ended early when he came up short on the triple and broke his wrist. Heal up, Logan, and we’ll see you on the east coast.

A quick cruise through the pits to see what was going on…

Cooper Webb is still trying to get things sorted out to be able to finish up where he feels he belongs.

Jason Anderson’s sweet Husky.

I wonder if Chad Reed still gets the pre-race butterflies?

And the award for ‘Mr Congeniality’ goes (as always) to our friend Seth Rarick who spent a lot of time touring the grounds handing out hugs. Oh, he’s also making a strong case for ‘Haircut of the Event,’ too.

I found Andy Wilson in his happy place working on Dean’s bike in the pits.

Mathilde Musquin TCB but perhaps breaking a ‘Distracted Driving’ law.

Steve Matthes was being side-kicked by a strange lumberjack person.

Nice to meet you, Mike.

Jess Pettis was in San Diego as a spectator. He’s at the doctor’s as I type finding out if he can get back on the bike today after his fractured shoulder blade.

He’s living at Kevin Urqhart’s ‘Bulldog Training Facility’ in Menifee. Thanks for the hospitality, Kevin.

Track walk is always the best time to through the camera over your shoulder and get awkward!

Brock Leitner’s new profile pic.


Hey, when you’re the sole Canadian at a Supercross you get more than a couple shots!

Brock just missed making the night show in San Diego.

Unfortunately, he crashed while practicing yesterday and will miss a bit of racing.

Here’s how you do this rhythm section, Austin.

Austin Forkner considers it.

Future star, Jordan Bailey, was there checking out the scene.

“Steve, I said I want my car right HERE when I get done…HERE!”

You can’t see it here, but I’m sure Justin Bogle has some leg swag going on just out of this shot.

“Leg swag is for…..”

Little guys walking the track are easily distracted.

Tyla Rattray walking with his guys.

Jake Wiemer in Canada in 2017? I do declare… (said in a southern belle voice)

Seriously though, could it happen?

Still running it.

I heard what Weston Peick said to Vince Friese after the main event at A1 and it was something about almost lapping him.

Martin Davalos gets a lot of flak for still being in the 250 class, but where would you go if you were him?

Seth ponders Martin’s options for a spell…

I asked Brett Metcalfe how he’s going to race full-time in Australia and still do our series. He joked, “It’s going to be a lot of travel.”

Vince Friese studies a section.

“Studying is for……”

Aldon Baker doesn’t even rest on race day.

Everyone was happy to see Ryan Dungey has the pace to stay with Roczen… except maybe Kenny.

Not a great way to get your Pro career rolling.

Just when Mitchell Oldenburg was getting ready to strike…

“What’d you just say to me?!”

Chris Howell checking things out.

Noah McConahy was fighting some bike issues in San Diego and is also an illness. A2 will be better.

“Does anyone else smell that?” Sorry, Jimmy, I just thought that was funny.

2/3 of the 450 podium.

Alex Ray was about to get some interview love.

Note to the photographer who was snapping shots of Mitchell Oldenburg before he was moving… let’s wait until we know he’s OK to get your shots. This isn’t TMZ.

Hiding her enthusiasm well.

“Hiding is for……”

Jack Wright and Davin Grose didn’t see me lurking.

Thank you for the amazing Supercross Dog, Wienerschnitzel. See you this weekend!

Top dogs get sound checked early in the evening.

Cole Seely gets the treatment too.

Jimmy Decotis warming up before the night show.

Then it was opening ceremonies time!

Not bad.

Military Appreciation Night was pretty special. There were quite a few watery eyes down where I was standing.

“Crying is for……”

The trick was going the appropriate speed to slap hands.

Davi Millsaps gets a little cross-rutted.

It’s not easy! You know how fast an idling 450 goes.

Cole Seely gave a way a helmet.

Jason Anderson.

Marvin Musquin and his lit up Leatt Brace.

Kenny came in hot and missed a few hands.

Ryan gave away a jersey to this soldier who lost his legs. It was quite a moment.

Justin Hill talks to the booth after winning his heat.

Look at all those jerks over there looking at the great shots they got of Blake Baggett’s loop out while I stand on the wrong side.

Jason after his heat win.

Davi getting things just right at the line.

Canadian #7 Cade Clason.

Time for another heat race.

I saw Cade do his traditional pre-race ritual twice before this one.

Just another night of winning for this guy.

“Hey, good luck in this holeshot challenge…”

“Thanks, man…”

Other than a tennis major, is there anywhere else you feel more alone when you’re really not?

Jimmy ready for a great start to this one.

And there it is. Alex gets his moment.

A hard-fought win for Shane McElrath.


“Mmm, yes…I’m thinking of a word…” Anyone remember Johnny Carson’s “Carnac” bit? No? I’m alone again here, aren’t I?

Jenny Taft does a great job.

One more lap, Justin…

Dean Wilson keeping it light on the inside gate for the main.

Davi is NOT “keeping it light.”

Sorry, Broc, I’m just doing my job!

Eli checks the big screen before his main.

Ryan keeps his breathing in check before the main.

Aaron Plessinger is fun to watch on and off the track. Is it “ger” or “ger?”

Now THAT is a happy face.

And yet he was still able to take it up a notch.

Haha Is anyone going to mention where the girl on the right is looking because I’m not!

When you have a sore shoulder and so only bring 1 camera down with the big lens, this is all you get for a podium shot. McElrath, Hill, Plessinger.

Mathilde runs to congratulate Marvin on his 3rd place finish.

In case anyone wondered if Ryan was happy with his San Diego performance.

Roger: “But you didn’t win, Ryan.” Ah crap…

A lot of high fives for Kenny.

And hugs…

And closer hugs…

And awkward hugs…

Just kidding, Blake Savage.

Marvin was a little off the leaders’ pace but way ahead of the rest.

450 podium: Roczen, Dungey, Musquin.

Will this guy keep the ball rolling at A2?

On my way to the boring DMX Van, I spotted this little gem in the parking lot. I could see a collaboration in the future…

We’ll let Davin say it this time. “See you at the races…” Surf’s up, bro!