Let me start out by saying this: race days have gotten so busy that it’s more difficult to get back and forth to the pits to see what everyone’s doing throughout the day. I assume the spectators like it, but me, on the other hand, not so much.
Having said that, it’s time to take a look at some of the people at the races in my favourite, tongue-in-cheek column where sarcasm, “comedy,” and references are the names of the game.
Let’s see what we have from Round 2 of the 2023 Canadian Triple Crown Series MX Nationals at Whispering Pines in Kamloops, BC.
Race days always start with the riders meeting with Head Referee Sir Paul Kingsley. One of these days we’ll get out for a MTB ride in the Simcoe Forest…After #409 Brennan Schofield crashed at the WCAN, they went sightseeing in Vancouver. Basically, I completely took over their pits and was even caught by a lot of people sound asleep in one of their chairs. Thanks, guys, and I’ll have rent for you at the end of the month…I always like doing interviews with #441 Jyire Mitchell. His Bermuda accent is very cool. He’s also due for a breakout podium ride.#126 Kaven Benoit and I joked about how many photos from over the years I have of him eating breakfast at the riders meeting. I was trying to get a look in his bowl in this shot. It’s usually a mix of berries, granola, and yogurt.Full kudos to #5W Annalyse Lopushinsky for crashing her brains out and then coming back to race the second WMX moto! She’s under the tutelage of Brock Hoyer and is it just me or are they even starting to look alike?I like to give #30 Tyler Yates some “press” because he’s a rider who sits just outside the limelight but is close to his breakout ride.Yee haw! Let me just say that someone better show Ryder McNabb a wheel soon because the 250 class is in danger of being run out by this cowboy.Just as we were hoping, we’re seeing a nice influx of American riders up here this summer. #55 Cale Kuchnicki is from Michigan and raced up here last summer, but there are a lot more this year.I apologize for not knowing who everyone is, but it’s a nice shot so they make it in here.“I’ve perfected the standing nap!” It’s great to see #61 Noah Viney up here filling in for the injured Jake Piccolo. They’re doing a bunch of testing this week so let’s see what he’s got for the class this week.#1 Dylan Wright showed us he’s at least a tiny bit human in Kamloops. Still mostly cyborg but a little bit human…#14 Quinn Amyotte was one of the riders suffering from illness in Kamloops. There was definitely a bug going around.Scary crash for #3 Malia Garant at the WCAN. She got off pretty lucky and time will heal her up good as new. I’m sure you saw her walking around very gingerly this past weekend. I heard a rear brake story about #12 Sebastien Racine. Hands off the tools, Seb! Let me just say that we definitely haven’t seen him at his full potential yet.It’s so nice to hang out with the Viney Family north of the border. I usually need a passport to see them.A gaggle of fast Canucks.Teammates comparing notes.That’s Jessica Longname from Tree Three Media cheating with a pit bike!I don’t want to say too much here, but “Hello, Hayden H…” Here he is cheering on his new rider, Noah.Bird’s eye view for Thor GasGas’s Alex Parker.Hey look, it’s Noah again!Sir, can I see your credentials?The home of John Wren. And you think I couldn’t live in something like that, don’t you?Brock Hoyer is having a blast racing the PreMix class. Annalyse is even starting to pick up some of his quirks. I told him that if she calls me “Billy Longlegs” (England 2008 or 9 reference) I’ll have to step in.#48/1 Jayden Riley doesn’t look up often when he’s on stage, so this is a great photo! He was 2nd in PreMix on his little bike.And how about #291 Dylan Delaplace up on the PreMix podium?! We were talking about butterscotch moonshine and his dad appeared, and then the #291 ends up 3rd. OK, I’m grasping…for something.If I”m not mistaken, #100 Sienna Brown holeshot a Junior or Intermediate moto at the WCAN. She’s young and has a ton of potential.It must have been pretty cool for her to celebrate with 8-Time.I still don’t know what happened to Austin Black in Kamloops after qualifying 3rd.It’s almost like he knows something we don’t know. Everyone who saw him down south said he’d be the one to beat this summer.Just in case we decide to do our numbers at each round, #19 Wyatt Kerr getting Round 2 in the books. We did this for every round last summer.Andy Kerr is in on it too.#171 Ryan Lalonde is having some fun back at the Nationals on a 250 2-stroke.It was great to see Brock Leitner back at the races one year after his accident at Drumheller. He’s ripping a go kart lately so that’s really cool.“Wait, ya know, black and white would just capture the moment so nicely…” (Google it, Bowker!) “Awww.” “You’re pissing me…I”m telling ya!”I like this one of #5 Tyler Medaglia. And yes, black and white might look more emotional…Shawn Maffenbeier had some words for Dylan Wright after the first moto and then Dylan and Justin Petker talked about things at the stage,Now we’re talkin!Ryder and Matt Deroy after his dominant performance. If ever there were a time for an Alfalfa reference that very few would get, this is it. Here’s an Alfalfa quote: “I’m usually a lover, not a fighter. But in your case, I’m willing to make an exception.” Oh, by the way, that’s #23 Josiah Natzke after taking 2nd overall. I went off on a tnajent there for a minute. Kevin Tyler taking in the racing action.#31 Zach Ufimzeff and his dad in the infield.Wally Levy and Scott Lockhart. You can try to find two people standing together who know more motocross history, but it’s not going to be easy!Thanks for the tortilla chips, Tristan Dares and Spencer Deleye.Tyler doesn’t like spiders either..Nice Big Kahuna sticker on the top of his helmet.
OK, that’s it from Kamloops. We’ll have more bodies in Calgary so let’s see if we can take things up a notch at Wild Rose this week.
Oh wait, Shawn just reminded me not to forget about the WCAN!Braxton Zietner ran this sweet mullet for the WCAN but shaved it off for the awards ceremony.That’s JC Seitz from Fox Racing Canada likely playing Brickbreaker on his Blackberry. It was a thing, folks!Brock asking Annalyse if he has anything in his teeth.Kyle Thompson congratulating Annalyse on a very solid WCAN.My dad used to laugh at me when I was a kid because I’d sprint and look down at my legs to see how fast they were going. Here’s Jayden Riley looking at how good a #1 looks on his plate.#158 Nathan Snelgrove and his dad, Kyle Snelgrove, at the line. I felt like we should have been in Florida for this one because that’s where I usually see these two.I complimented #247 Tegan Kortenbach this week because I think he’s got a ton of potential. I like the way he rides.Hi five for #50 Wyatt Hasil after winning the final moto of the WCAN>Nice job last week, John Wren. And it’s great to see you looking so healthy.Justin Balkos giving Wyatt Hasil the Yamaha Factory Ride Award.If you want to watch the awards ceremony from the WCAN, we went FB Live for the entire thing.I told this story last week but thought I’m mention it again here. I was heading back to the pits after a small bike race and overheard Brett Turcotte saying to his son, “But did you have fun? That’s all that matters.” Nice one, Brett.I didn’t stay to listen to the band, The Jam Presents. How were they? I know the one guy didn’t get my Paul Weller reference…
OK, now I think we’re done for the week. See everyone in Calgary.
The smoke has rolled into Kamloops from the forest fires today. We’ll ride off towards Calgary on Thursday morning.
The band rocked late and kept the dance floor movin’ with a few requests and a massive wave of talented dudes including Sandro Cuzzetto and Jeremy Kneeshaw.
And yes, had to google who Paul Weller was….
The band rocked late and kept the dance floor movin’ with a few requests and a massive wave of talented dudes including Sandro Cuzzetto and Jeremy Kneeshaw.

And yes, had to google who Paul Weller was….