Here’s a look at some of the people who were part of Team Canada MXON at this year’s Motocross of Nations in Erné, France. It’s time for Faces at the Races. The actual races may not have gone as we’d have liked, but the experience was still top notch. Thank you to everyone involved who made this trip to France as memorable as it was. We’ll get another chance next year.
Of course, we have to start with James Lissimore lining up the team bikes for a classic photo in front of the amazing 16th century chateaux we stayed at a mere 20 minutes from the track. I already posted a few of these photos but maybe enough time has passed that you can ask Colton Facciotti to tell you his Night 1 story…Justin Roney made the trip just one week before he was to be married. I’m sure he’s apologizing in this photo, but I hear it all went through as planned.Ryan Lockhart at the first practice track the team hit on Tuesday.Team France leaving after making sure the track was muddy before Team Canada had their turn on it.Nico Hebert at the track.Jade, Kourtney, and Meghan.Emily was there so even I’m in a shot or two!Thursday we were at another practice track, bright and early.Brayden Kalte getting the champ’s bike ready to ride.It was cool that a few locals stopped in on their way to work and then the owner of the property invited us all over for a beverage.
Then it was team photo time!
Matt Deroy unwinding after a long day of travel from Quebec.It was difficult to take a bad photo with this backdrop. Even for me!Team Canada MXON version of Tin Can Alley. Anyone else old enough to have had that game?Be careful, Ryder!!!James loves having his photo taken…Emily, James, and I took advantage of a free day on Wednesday to check out the beaches of Normandy. This is Juneau Beach where Canada landed on D-Day in 1944.Close to where we were staying, Fougeres lays claim to having the largest medieval walled fortress in Europe. It’s pretty impressive.That’s our chef’s cool Land Rover. Our food was great all week, thanks to Fat Cow catering.We filled both tables every morning and night for team meals.The property even has its own church on site.Emily took some time to check it out.Everyone getting kitted out in Team Canada gear before heading over to the track.Kourtney’s attention to detail is always next level.“Who keeps rolling these damn garbage bins in front of our pits?!”It never fails, we end up by Team Ireland in the pits and on the track! Did someone say “pits”?Assistant to the Team Manager, Kyle Springman.Betty Pettis and Doug made the trip to France.Justin channeling his inner Kyle Patton here.John Roney also made the trip to help out.Bill Wright with Brayden.Fish stories with Dylan.Embert “Dutchie” Berkers made the trip, but he was without his sidekick, Bill Van Vugt, for this one.The smile that says it’s time to ride!Spectarors were really only on the one side, so it was packed!Emily wandered into the mix and snapped a few shots.The bLU cRU Supermini riders podium.Business time.Romain Febvre was a big part of the winning French team.Alberto Forato was on the team whose pits we used last time we were in Italy.Jeremy Seewer ready to go.Grant Harlan went down hard and is currently on the road to recovery.Dominant.Ryder McNabb and Justin wandering into the infield.Dylan ready to go for qualifying.Being watched closely by Jade.This photo should probably find its way to a mantle in the Wright household.“Cause we’re the 2 best friends that anyone could ever have…”They gave Dylan some pretty good airtime at the event. He also got pulled aside to chat at opening ceremonies.Team.So, we got dead last gate pick and then they displayed our flag upside-down. Coincidence?Kourtney deep in thought.Inside the pits on race day.You just never know what’s going to happen at these things. I know there was a disappointed wife joke made…Team Ireland’s Gordon Barr checking where team Canada was in the standings…2nd from the right is our Team Mexico friend and former racer in Canada, Tres Fiero.Lens choice actually became pretty crucial. There were sections where you were looking directly into the sun.Dylan playing DJ.Yep, it was lip chewing time!That’s Team Guam rider Joshua Varize.Not sure who Dylan was listening to here.The LaPierre ladies got the Canadian Spirit award, for sure.That’s Canadian Boston Calder who works for WP.I love that evil thing!That smile pretty much sums up Aaron Plessinger, even on race day.Christian Craig.How many more of these things does Tanel Leok have in him?!Kangaroo, blow up doll, and panties, pretty much sums it all up. LolThere’s really no other way to put it, Team France absolutely dominated the MXON in 2023. Congratulations.
I will always try to attend this event. If you’ve never been to one, you owe it to yourself to put it at the top of your bucket list. Thank you for another amazing adventure. See you next year in England!
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