A little late this round but here’s a look at some of the people who were at Round 3 of the 2023 Canadian Triple Crown Series MX Nationals at Wild Rose MX in Calgary, Alberta.
The way this summer has been going, we’re either trying to see through forest fire smoke or thunderstorm clouds.Having said that, the city was in full view on Saturday for amateur racing. It kind of boggles my mind to think of how many former, current, and future champions we have photos of in this exact same spot.Let’s keep an eye on the career of young #116 Jason Marr from Calgary and see if we can add his name to this illustrious list. He raced the 65 (7-9) class.It was great to have Kate Kowalchuk home from Europe to snap some of her classic black and white shots before heading back to the MXGP series.Tyler Medaglia is currently 4th in points, 7 behind Shawn Maffenbeier in 3rd.How about the season of two-time 250 champ Kaven Benoit so far?! He came back to ride a 2-stroke and now he’s just another title contender on a 4-stroke, but it’s crazy to think he took 5 years off.It was funny when I said to Ryder McNabb that anyone who didn’t pick him to win this title is a fool and he patted me on the back with a knowing smile.Kourtney Lloyd hosted a 2023 MXON meeting on Friday and Ryan Gauld took the microphone and outlined our Team Canada plans for France. And the food was great!#36 Avrie Berry has been Eve Brodeur’s toughest competition so far and they’re both heading east to to that coast so we’ll have to see how they compare on the softer ground in hotter conditions.We had #2 Lexi Pechout in the mix in Calgary and she looked pretty good for getting over a leg injury so recently.I already posted this photo but come on! Leif Garrett? Flash? Either way, #174 Zane Mellafont’s hairdo deserves a second post.Quote of the season so far goes to #171 Ryan Lalonde. When I asked him where his dad, Darcy Lalonde, was he said he doesn’t travel to the races anymore now that Ryan is just “beer league.”Race day always starts with Paul Kingsley going over the rules at the riders meeting, so I always snap a photo of him.#14 Quinn Amyotte had a rough day and we showed some sketchy photos of him, so we owe him a shot where he’s smiling.Marco living the old adage that if you’ve got time to lean you’ve got time to clean!#84 Tanner ward showed up on an old-fashioned penny-farthing!United colours of Canadian Moto. I couldn’t think of anything that rhymed with Benetton…#28 Sam Gaynor lined up for the FXR PreMix class and took the win but didn’t double class it every week, so he didn’t win the West title.Now THAT’S some classic Faces at the Races material right there!Those eyes tell you he is NOT going to be easy to beat…EVER!Ryan Lockhart standing out on the far side of Shaw Valley during practice.A pit board shot is always welcome in these columns.Justin Roney keeping Ryder…riding.#20 Jeremy McKie is only 3 points behind #25 Daniel Elmore in 6th place and 7 ahead of #936 Andy Truyts in 7th.Hey Paul, that’s how my mom used to make a fist. Or would a Sasquatch caption have been better?Steve Simms.That’s young ripper #48/1 Jayden RIley. He ended up 2nd to Brock Hoyer in the FXR PreMix class.Kate setting up for a shot and now she’s included in the backdrop shot list.Show me a rider happier to be at the races than Brock and I’ll show you a new Canadian $2 bill.I just thought this was a cool shot.Lexi getting her TV interview with Kyle Thompson.Eve after winning her 9th Canadian WMX title. I think I’d smile even harder!Poppin corks.Hey #19 Wyatt Kerr, the doctor said no twisting! (Wyatt gets credit for that caption.)Hey #50 Austin Jones, Wyatt’s doctor said no pre-race folding!I wonder when the last time was that he wore a jacket in June?!#600 Noah Porter is a young, up-and-comer from Williams Lake, BC in the Intermediate classes. I hope he plans on coming to the TransCan.#173 Hunter Schlosser was a nice addition to the western swing. I’m still not sure if he’s heading east or not.Views from the outside gate. Hey, is that a column?Spark plug issue…Ain’t that right, Kevin Tyler.Justin gets our “patting down the cement” shot for 2023.OK, we’ll sneak another one in of Quinn for good measure.Caden Lee going all in on the Calgary scene.Mel Lee approves.Ryder will line up at the MX Combine at Red Bud this Friday alongside fellow Canadians Noah Viney and Hayden Jameson.You have to be ready for any and all weather when you visit Calgary in June.Hey kids, follow Brock Hoyer’s lead if you want to get and hold sponsors. RMR, FXR, and Yamaha have been behind him for a very long time!#151 Travis Gibbs finished 3rd in the FXR PreMix West series.Post-moto hugs for the newly engaged pair.Muddy Dylan Wright needs a hug.Get over there, Jade!Eve continues to be a champion and fantastic role model for young girls interested in WMX.Hold my beer…Speaking of lovely couples…You didn’t know Mitchell Harrison practiced telekinesis, did you? Something off to the left was definitely moving.KTM Canada’s Matt Deroy has got to be pretty happy with the way 2023 is playing out so far.I didn’t really take any photos at the BFD open house on Friday, but thanks for the beverages and bench racing, Dean Thompson.Mitchell will take the Thor GasGas van to race Red Bud this weekend. See you there!Oh, you know he gets “giggy” with it! Alex Parker keeps his public gigginess to a minimum.
A coupe champagne celebration photos:
You knew we’d get here! Nobody can call Quinn soft after that day in Calgary.That was the last time the west will see Shawn Maffenbeier on the line, so he says.Ya right!Derek Schuster and his GDR team had a cool retro look in Calgary and now they’ll move to a Machine Racing look for their national at Gopher Dunes.Mitchell approves.I don’t think Dean head me…People fell hook, line, and sinker to Jereme Therrien’s joke about using red tape for Kaven’s plates in Kamloops and it was hilarious. It’s great having him back at the races.I said, IT’S GREAT HAVING JEROME BACK AT THE RACES! He heard me.OK, we’ll let #89 Kevin Sullivan say it after still finishing 23rd (29-20) in Calgary. “See you at the races...” And we should have a rule about vaping during a moto…
Thanks for looking, and we’ll see you at Gopher Dunes!
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