
VIDEO: Life at the Medaglia Home

VIDEO: Life at the Medaglia Home Derek Schuster from the Honda Canada TLD GDR team sent over this enjoyable video of Tyler and Jeremy Medaglia this week at their family home in Kemptville, Ontario…and it proves that life there is EXACTLY as you pictured it!

VIDEO: Introducing Jean-Christophe Bujold at Sand Del Lee

VIDEO: Introducing Jean-Christophe Bujold Intermediate rider, #456 Jean-Christophe Bujold, talks about his second-ever Rockstar Energy MX National where he finished top Intermediate rider (21-17 19th) against the top Pro riders in MX2 at the Ottawa MX National at Sand Del Lee. Sunday, July 19, 2015

Video: Ottawa National – Just Giver Productions

Video: Ottawa National – Just Giver Productions Check out this video edit Mitch Goheen from Just Giver Productions put together for us from round 6 of the Rockstar Energy MX Nationals at the Sand Del Lee track in Ottawa, Ontario. Rockstar Energy Canadian Nationals – Round 6 Sand Del Lee // Ft. Metty | Goerke | Decotis from Just Giver Productions on Vimeo.