Catching Up with…Kyle Swanson
By Billy Rainford
In case you missed it in last week’s Frid’Eh #21 Update Presented by TLD Canada…

Week #21 belongs to Kyle Swanson. Last summer, he moved up to the 450 at Gopher Dunes and then rode a Devil’s Lake Yamaha in Deschambault and almost grabbed the lead|Bigwave photo
For 2016, #21 belongs to the Texan we got to know very well back when he first came up to Canada and lived out of the cab of his pick-up truck…with his mechanic!
Kyle Swanson became Canada’s newest motocross sweetheart when word of his commitment and dedication to the sport became public knowledge. He didn’t do it for publicity or notoriety. No, not at all. It was purely out of necessity.
Fast forward a couple years, and Kyle was on the newly formed Suzuki team that was to receive the majority of its funding from the Canadian oil industry. Unfortunately, the industry suffered extremely difficult times early last year and the team just didn’t have the funding it had counted on. But it didn’t stop Kyle and the Danyluks from going racing.
When Kyle had his race bike stolen right out of his trailer at round 2 in Nanaimo last year, he raced Brittany Danyluk‘s bike. Again, he showed he had the speed to compete at the top level and was given a 450 ride on the Devil’s Lake Yamaha team.

Kyle became an instant hit when word that he and his mechanic were living out of the cab of his pick-up truck a couple years ago|Bigwave photo
Kyle’s 2016 season’s results:
Kyle had his best result at the final round at Walton Raceway with a 6th place overall (6-8). We got in touch with him this afternoon. He has a whole bunch of things going on in his life right now, so here’s what he had to say:
Direct Motocross: Hello, Kyle. First off, would you mind taking us through last summer? You started in MX2 then got picked up for the east in MX1. How did it all happen and go?
Last summer, we started off round one on the Danyluk Racing Team just 30 days after a broken femur in the MX2 class! Second round in Nanaimo, my race bike was stolen, eventually leading into the team going under by the fourth round sitting about 10th in points! I was then forced to move to the MX1 class. Even with the team going under, the Danyluks where able to give me a 450 they had under the [condition] that it’s all on me through Walton! Thanks to them for even making that possible! So we went east! I raced Gopher Dunes on the Suzuki going DNF-15, then we raced Sand Del Lee on it again going 12-9 for a 9th overall, landing myself a ride aboard the Devil’s lake Yamaha team as their MX1 rider! I would then go on to finish every moto in the top 8 leaving Walton with a 6th overall!
What did you do as soon as Walton was over?
After Walton I went home and got my things together to go back and actually re-join the Danyluk team for an 8-round Arenacross series held in British Columbia.
How did that go?
I raced the [Future West] Canadian Arenacross Series finishing 5th in 450 overall and 4th in 250. I got a couple Dash for Cash wins, made some good money and left every weekend out of the ‘normal man doors’ by not pile driving myself or anyone else through the barn walls, so I was quite satisfied with the season.
What’s new in your life down there in Texas? You mentioned a new property, cabin, and training facility?
Everything is new for me back home! During the third round of Arenacross, I got a call that we had been approved for the land we wanted, so by the time I had reached home we had closed on the land and the Swansons now own 21 beautiful acres in south Texas! I was able to have my home built and finished about 3 months ago as well as my outdoor track. We call it the SWANPOUND! It’s a place where I allow people to come train along side of me. Rather than being the old guy on the side of the track holding a beer telling you how fast he use to be, I actually allow the riders to come in and train with me while I’m currently going through the steps of becoming a champion.

Be sure to talk to Kyle about training with him at SWANPOUND in Texas|Bigwave photo
So, if anyone is interested in checking out ‘Swanpound’ how would they get in touch and make that happen?
If anyone is interested in coming down and training with me at the Swanpound, the easiest way is to just approach me in person and we can get things handled that way, or as always Facebook, Instagram, or email:

Kyle left Walton with a 6th place last summer and says he has no plans of going backward!|Bigwave photo

Kyle started out in MX2 and then rode the final 6 rounds in MX1, finishing 14th in points|Bigwave photo