Beginner Motocross Handbook by Martin Varrand
By Billy Rainford

Martin Varrand from Estonia thought about us over here in Canada and sent over a copy of his beginner motocross rider handbook called ‘The Complete Dirt Bike Handbook – Motocross Success Principles.’
It’s an e-book and covers everything someone getting into the sport could use to do it properly and safely.
From the intro:
My name is Martin Varrand. Motocross has been my
passion for over twenty years. I have been around
dirt bikes for as long as I can remember. I was four
years old when I started. I loved going along to watch
my father ride his dirt bike, and it wasn’t long before I
wanted one too!
Nowadays I am giving one to one coaching, and
I offer racing consultancy, as well as curating my
website It is my aim
to provide riders like you with the best advice and
resources possible.
Martin Varrand
Here’s the link you can pass on to someone who you think could benefit:
The Complete Dirt Bike Handbook