And the DMX People’s Choice Rider of the Year for 2023 Is…
After a hard-fought campaign, the 2023 DMX People’s Choice Rider of the Year award came down to two of the nicest, hardest-working riders we have in the Pro pits. #377 Daniel Elmore from Telkwa, BC and #28 Sam Gaynor from Erin, ON both ran solid campaigns and showed that they are two of the most popular riders in our sport.

The voting period ended as the clock struck midnight out in British Columbia, and this one looked like it could have been anyone’s prize until the wee hours of the morning when all the votes had been tabulated.
However, in the end it was the rider who’d been runner-up the two previous years who stuck to his campaign promises and came out victorious for 2023. Congratulations to Sam Gaynor!
There’s only one question left to answer: “Sam, what are you going to do now that you’ve finally won this coveted award?“

Sam Gaynor: “I almost fell over finding out the runner-up streak has been broken! Starting 2024 by winning a very coveted award is surreal. 2-time runner-up makes it all worth it. Thank you to all my family, friends, and fans for their votes! I look forward to a fun privateer season in 2024 with lots of new opportunities and meeting lots of new people! This is definitely going to be a plaque on the wall! 2024 here we come!“
Honourable mention to #117 Easton Genest whose supporters may have been smaller in numbers, but made up for it with their enthusiasm.
And thank you to everyone who took the time to voice their opinion in our annual crowd-sourced award. It’s always fun to watch as we head into another year of racing in Canada.
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