5 Lap Sprint | Christmas Edition | Part 1
By Jeff McConkey
Since the Holidays are just around the corner, I figured it was time for some “5 Lap Sprints.” With so many great people in the industry, I couldn’t do just one, so this is only Part 1 of the Holiday Edition. I reached out to everyone: racers, mechanics, and industry, so I hope you all enjoy, and keep posted for the next group of “sprinters.”
What is the best Christmas gift you have ever given and why?
Kourtney Lloyd – Team Canada Motocross Des Nations Manager
I gave my dad an Apple TV that I bought in the airport on my way home from the German SX and then took it back in January to watch racing on it. It’s by far the best gift I have given and the best one I’ve stolen…

Kourtney Lloyd – Team Canada MXON Manager | Bigwave photo
Michael Fowler – Canadian National #41
The best give I ever gave was probably getting my little brother his first 85 and surprising him with it on Christmas morning. I have never seen someone have such a big smile on their face. Just seeing how happy I made him pretty much made my entire holiday, so I doubt I will ever top that feeling.
Kennedy Lutz – Ladies West National Racer #44
Josh Cartwright – Lorretta Lynn’s Champion and AMA National #93
The best Christmas gift I have ever given is probably when I was 5 my dad let me pick out my mom’s gift at the jewelry store and she loved it. I was trying to remember some funny ones I have given, but it is hard to remember all my gifts I have given people. Also, my dad is a big Honda fan so when I was little I bought my dad a toy Honda CR250 motorcycle. He still has it at his desk to this day.

Josh Cartwright | Bigwave photo
Danika White – Ladies West National #10
Eee, well, I love Christmas! (Laughs) As much as the cold weather, this time of year is super fun, gift giving or not. You can’t beat seeing family and just having a good time. Best gift I ever gave would have to be a paddle board to my boyfriend, Charlie Johnston. Mostly just because keeping a 12′ board as a surprise is a fricking magic trick. Thanks to the crew at Mountain Cultures, wicked shop.
Braydon McNeil – KTM Canada
Shannon Fleming – Ladies East National #2
The best Christmas present I have given and continue to give is my old motocross gear to younger kids that are fascinated by motocross or they ride themselves. One time, I gave a jersey and pants to my younger neighbours and they wore the gear to school and wouldn’t change out of it. It made me realize that a kid might have a dream and think motocross is so cool, but their parents won’t put the money into it because it’s expensive. It made me realize how fortunate I am.
Josh Cox – Factory Mechanic
Oh man, that’s tough. Anything I give my mom because she always loves them. I’d say the best present I’ve given was a spa day for my mom so she gets a well deserved day off.

Josh Cox | Jeff McConkey photo
Carrie Davis – Ladies East National #184
My parents would say when I passed Med-Surg junior year. In the nursing program, a 77 is passing and we found out right before Christmas that I had passed with a 77.2 so they were pretty happy with that.
Austin Watling – Honda Canada GDR Fox Racing #424
Shelby Tse – Canadian Women’s West #9
What is the best Christmas gift you have ever gotten and why?
Kourtney Lloyd
The best gift I have got was from my nieces, it was a Spa Day with them. It was so nice to hang out with them for an afternoon.
Michael Fowler
This is actually a hard one to answer. My birthday and Christmas are only 9 days apart so I kind of got things a bit early as a kid and not so much on Christmas. I would have to say the best gift I ever got was a dirt bike. My gram helped to get me a bike for before the race season one year and helped to get it ready to race. Without her I wouldn’t even be talking to you today, that’s for sure. She really made my whole career possible.
Kennedy Lutz

Kennedy Lutz | Bigwave photo
Josh Cartwright
The best Christmas gift I have ever received is probably my first Cobra 50. Ever since I was little I called them ‘yellow speedies.’ So when there was a Cobra in the living room I was beyond excited!
Danika White
Jeez, I would have to say my custom painted helmet Charlie got me. It really is the gift that keeps giving (Laughs). It was stolen three years ago (we have seen it on Kijiji) and it has my name clearly painted on the back. Then I got a replacement for that one with ‘NEEKS’ written on it, and that one was then stolen. Ha, so my third one is nicely sitting on a shelf in my house. So if anyone sees a Danika helmet, you go grab that sucker!
Braydon McNeil
Shannon Fleming
The best Christmas gift I have ever gotten is the opportunities my mom and dad give me on a daily basis to achieve my goals and chase my dreams. Everyday is like Christmas for me. My parents have always supported me and given me everything I need and more. To me that’s the be best gift I will ever be given.

#68 Shannon Fleming | Bigwave photo
Josh Cox
I’d say it would have to be a set of kit forks my dad got for me about 7 years ago. I was absolutely mind blown when I saw them.
Carrie Davis
The best Christmas gift I have ever received would definitely have to be my cat. I’m not a crazy cat lady though! Or when I was about 5 I got a PW50 and I’ve been in love with this sport ever since.
Austin Watling
Shelby Tse
What is your favourite part of the holidays and why?
Kourtney Lloyd
Rum and egg nog and watching the kids open their presents.
Michael Fowler
My favourite part of the holidays has to be seeing everyone and all the food. I love getting to see everyone for the holidays that I normally don’t get to spend time with and the food, I mean who doesn’t love to stuff their face on the holidays with all that good food?!
Kennedy Lutz
The food!
Josh Cartwright
My favorite part of the holidays is getting to go home and see my family, since they live in Tennessee and I live in Florida. Also, I like the Christmas break from FSU. Gives me a few weeks to just focus on my training and not any distractions or exams from school.
Danika White
I’m the full-on Christmas fanatic. Decorations, trees, food, awkward family gatherings, snow… but my favourite is we usually get to go riding Christmas Day! Studded up at the track with a small group of buddies. It’s awesome.

#10 Danika White | Bigwave photo
Braydon McNeil
My favourite part of the holidays is the time I get to spend with my family. Being in a different province and a hectic travel schedule, the time you get to spend with your family, reflect on how your year has been is the most positive and motivational gift ever to be given during the holiday season.
Shannon Fleming
My favourite part of the holidays has to be spending time with my family that I usually don’t get to do too often due to racing every weekend. Also, pumpkin flavoured things are my favourite!
Josh Cox
Just being around friends and family and enjoying the company. It’s always good seeing people enjoy the holidays.
Carrie Davis
Being around family is my favourite part of the holidays. Everyone is always really busy so we don’t really get the chance to get together but we always spend Christmas together.
Austin Watling

Austin Watling | Honda Canada GDR Fox Racing photo (James Lissimore)
Shelby Tse
What was your biggest highlight for 2016?
Kourtney Lloyd
My biggest highlight was most definitely the MXON and running Team Canada.
Michael Fowler
I would have to say my biggest highlight of 2016 came at Deschambault. I got a 13th in moto one and was looking to improve from that but ended up in a first turn pile-up with T-Dags (Tyler Medaglia)and then was down 2 other times in the first lap with a few other guys. Somehow, I managed to come all the way back through to 13th again in moto 2 while sending that huge gap every lap. That jump is seriously crazy but I was super happy with how I rode in moto 2 being able to come from last back to 13th.

Michael Fowler | Bigwave photo
Kennedy Lutz
Winning the Walton Grand National!
Josh Cartwright
My biggest highlight from 2016 was getting the holeshot at the St. Louis Supercross and making it straight through the heat race to the main. I made it through the heat race in St. Louis and Daytona and it is way better than going through the LCQ. When you make it through the heat there is much more time to relax and get ready for the main. After the LCQ, there isn’t much time before the main to rest up and relax, but that makes me want to work harder in the heat race.
Danika White
Biggest highlight of 2016 would have to be my holeshot at the Nanaimo Women’s National. I was sitting on the line and just wanted to leave the island with that. I was so stoked I screamed crossing the line and I think I lost 5 spots instantly (laughs).
Braydon McNeil
Shannon Fleming
2016 was a big, but different year for me. Opting out of Loretta’s for the Canadian Women’s Nationals was an experience to remember, for sure. I also got my Women’s Pro license in the US, but was unfortunately unable to race the last few rounds I had planned, due to my ACL surgery date. The doctor told me that if I tweeked it right before surgery he could not operate if it was swollen. So I played it safe.
Josh Cox
I had a tie for that one. It would have to either be winning the first round and having the red plate or finishing second in the series.
Carrie Davis
I’ve never been able to ride or race as much as I did this year so that was my biggest highlight of 2016. I had so much fun on the bike this year and I was able to race some different tracks.
Austin Watling
Shelby Tse

Shelby Tse | Courtney Bowman photo
What are your goals and plans for 2017?
Kourtney Lloyd
My plans for 2017 are to grow the amateur racing program at Cycle North and run Team Canada again for MXON 2017 at Matterly Basin. I will also be attending the Snowbike Championships in Revelstoke, BC. I will also be attending the X-Games 2017 with Brock Hoyer so I am really stoked for that! And of course, the Rockstar Pro Nationals are always high on my priority list and then of course there is Walton….
Michael Fowler
For 2017, I want to race every round of the CMRC Nationals. I am currently trying to figure out how to make that happen. I have the bikes and everything but the transportation is unknown. I’m currently down south riding and training to be ready, I just need to figure out how to make every round so I can compete for that top 10 at the end of the season. I want that top 10 number so I need to make every round. Hopefully, I will be able to make all the rounds. I may also hit a few East Coast Supercross rounds if money allows it.
Kennedy Lutz
Josh Cartwright
My goal for 2017 is to make every single main event and also get top 10s. I was able to get top 15 last year so this year will I hope to get into the top 10. I have been training hard at Carmichael’s so I am ready to give it all I have. My plans for 2017 haven’t been finalized yet. I will be racing east coast. I have been talking to a couple teams and am still working some details out. Hopefully, everything will be worked out here in the next few weeks and I will make the announcement.
Danika White
2017 is coming up really quick! My plan is to get my 2017 CWFoothills KTM on the dirt as much as possible, hit all the women’s nationals and just have some awesome days at our local track (WRMA). My goal is to FINISH one off-road race with my buddy Jan Van Campbell and put on another epic CWF/ShiftMX Holeshot Alley in the fall!… And turn this number 10 into a single digit (Laughs).
Thanks everyone! Come stop by and say hello at the Calgary Bike Show in January. I’ll be at the KTM booth.
Braydon McNeil

Braydon McNeil | Facebook photo
Shannon Fleming
My goal right now is to get back to being healthy. I’m currently 7 weeks post ACL surgery, so getting my leg back to normal is my first priority before I plan my year for 2017. Before my surgery I got a 2017 YZ 250f so I’m looking forward to having some fun on that when I’m cleared in March. Nothing is set in stone of what nationals/races I’ll be at, if any, but I look forward to continue coaching the kids I worked with for the 2016 season and help them reach some of the same goals I have.
Josh Cox
Obviously, the goal is to win a championship. As of right now I have an opportunity to go racing next year but we’ll see how things pan out. I’d love to get to travel the country once more.
Carrie Davis
I’m hoping to make it to the Canadian National East Coast rounds. My goal for 2017 is to get a top 10 and to just be consistent and keep it fun.

#184 Carrie Davis | Bigwave photo