For this edition of ‘5 Lap Sprint,’ I thought we’d talk to a variety of different people and ask them about Christmas Gifts. We have a pretty good assortment of moto folks for this one:
We have Pro racer #3 Tyler Medaglia, Factory Husqvarna mechanic Scott ‘Donk’Donkersgoed, KTM Canada’s Clody Lapointe , star amateur racer Tanner Ward, and last but definitely not least, lady racer Dominique Daffé. Let’s hear what the ‘Fab 5’ had to say.
What is the best gift you have ever gotten and why?
Tyler Medaglia:
My Fender jazz bass guitar I got a long time ago was awesome – still play it today . I really enjoy music and was going to go to an arts school to do something in music as a career, but dirt bikes seriously got in the way.

Tyler Medaglia really liked receiving a jazz bass for Christmas. | Bigwave photo
Scott ‘Donk’ Donkersgoed:
I can’t specifically remember having a best gift ever. Christmas for me was usually getting things I needed, and for that I was always grateful.
Clody Lapointe:
5 years ago my dad decided that for Christmas we would take the car, drive to Florida, and go see some tracks. It was back when I just started riding so we decided not to bring the bikes, but just to go see the moto world down south. As a Christmas present, we stopped at the Georgia Dome on our way down south and watched the Atlanta SX. We also had VIP passes for the pits (which are AWESOME at Atlanta) so I got to see Villopoto/Reed/Hill/Windham without the whole crowd around and it was pretty cool. I mean, what can beat my dad bringing me down south to watch a Supercross with VIP passes…nothing!
Tanner Ward:
The best gift I have ever gotten was my first BMX bike because I wanted to be like my older brothers and ride BMX bikes and I wasn’t expecting to get it.
Dominique Daffé:
Best gift I’ve gotten for Christmas and why – this is a tough one. I’ve been supe- grateful for a lot of the stuff I’ve gotten over the years. California trips with an awesome family is probably up there though.
What is the worst gift you have ever gotten and why? (Don’t hold back, points for honesty)
Tyler Medaglia:
I’ve been sitting here trying to think of one, but honestly I can’t. The only thing that sticks out was maybe getting Crusty Demons of Dirt? I was too young, and trying to imitate those guys and acting like a little shit giving my mother too much grief.
Scott Donkersgoed:
I’m sure the common answer here is probably socks, but until you ruin a pair of socks every weekend at the races you don’t appreciate the basket full of socks that grandma and grandpa got you for Christmas (laughs). I would say the worst would be meaningless stuff really. I mean, what’s the point in getting me a chocolate Santa Claus?! (Laughs)
Clody Lapointe:
It is actually also coming from my dad. When I was a young teenager he would sometimes try to buy me clothes for Christmas (Dads of this world…if you don’t know the clothes size your daughter is wearing, DON’T EVEN TRY). So one day he came back from a trip from a place down south (like Cuba or Mexico) and told me, “I found a Christmas gift for you.” It was the Smallest/Ugliest/Worst fit t-shirt I had ever seen. You would see my bellybutton since it was so small (and that wasn’t cool at all at this time). So since I am a good kid, I actually wore the horrible piece of tissue a couple times…until he forgot about it and I destroyed it.

Clody Lapointe doesn’t think fathers should buy clothes for their daughters if they don’t know what size they wear. | Bigwave photo
Tanner Ward:
Worst gift I have ever gotten was definitely silly bands (no offence to people who still have them).
Dominique Daffé:
Mom, if you read this, I’m sorry!! (Laughs) But when I was probably somewhere between 10 and 12, for the first time ever (and the only time ever) I went snooping for my Christmas presents and found a sweater my mom had stashed. I didn’t want to believe it was for me but sure enough I got it for Christmas. It was a brown – and not a nice brown – sweater with knit sleeves and brown fur all over the chest. Was not me at all. I felt so bad because it’s the thought that counts, and I’m sorry I didn’t like it. But I have got to say, she did really well every other year!
What is the best gift you have ever given someone for Christmas?
Tyler Medaglia:
I got Heidi some nice skis and bindings one year. She really loves skiing, so I got to see her enjoy them.
Scott Donkersgoed:
One year while my parents were away on their annual week-long vacation somewhere sunny, I took it upon myself to redo the flooring of their house for them. It was just laminate flooring, but I did the whole main floor, and all the baseboards after work at nights. They were shocked when they got home; it was awesome!

Scott ‘Donk’ Donkersgoed once re-floored his parents’ house while they were away. | Bigwave photo
Clody Lapointe:
3 years ago I bought a Shoei helmet for my boyfriend of the moment. It was probably the most expensive gift I ever gave someone. Since we broke up, I’m always thinking about how I should have bought it for me!
Tanner Ward:
The best gift I have ever given to someone for Christmas was a scooter for my little brother Carter.
Dominique Daffé:
It’s hard to remember all the gifts I’ve given outside of the last 2 years. This year I got my mom a Keurig. I feel pretty good about that one, she’s really happy with it!
What’s the one thing you want the most for Christmas this year?
Tyler Medaglia:
My kids to act perfect on the flight to Ottawa Christmas Day. But under the tree, well, I am trying to upgrade my road bike to 11-speed Shimano Dura Ace electronic from 10-speed Shimano Ultegra electronic.
Scott Donkersgoed:
All I really wanted was to be home this year for Christmas. I honestly don’t remember the last time I was with my parents for Christmas. I had plans to be home, but things fell through. The older you get the more things like that mean to you and the less the material things mean.
Clody Lapointe:
This one is really hard. I am really spoiled by everyone around me and by myself a lot too. I think this upcoming Christmas, what I really want is to relax, to take some time off and to spend quality time with my family and my boyfriend. When you love your job, sometimes it gets pretty hard to get it out of your mind, even for a day, so I’m going to work on that.
Tanner Ward:
I’m truly not really wanting anything big, since my family is paying for me to be training full-time at the Jetwerx Compound and with FrankFit Canada.

Tanner Ward is just happy to be training down south this year. | Bigwave photo
Dominique Daffé:
To go to Cali, ride my dirt bike and enjoy the holidays with Jared (Petruska) and his family. I wish my mom could come too but that didn’t work out. I feel like things have been kind of stressful lately and I just really want to unwind and come into 2015 with a positive, peaceful mindset.
What are you most grateful for in 2014?
Tyler Medaglia:
I am grateful for the health and happiness of my family.
Scott Donkersgoed:
To be honest, 2014 wasn’t a great year for me. We’ll just go ahead and call it a learning year…I’m grateful for my health, and that I’m very fortunate to be able to make a living doing something I love. I won a championship this year, so that was pretty cool too (laughs). I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas or happy holidays or whatever you call it. Be safe in whatever you’re doing and remember what Christmas is really about.
Clody Lapointe:
I think 2014 can be [summed up] by one word: chances! What I mean is, in 2014 many people gave me a chance to show what I’ve got and this is something I’m really grateful of. The biggest one is for sure Florian Burguet, President of KTM Canada, who gave me a chance to work for the KTM company and to show them what I was capable of. He is still, as of today, giving me new chances every day and pushing me to improve in the company.
I’m also grateful for the chance I had to announce at some races and to be part of the whole CMRC Quebec crew. I’m grateful for my boyfriend, who decided to give our relationship a chance even if sometimes I look crazy… a lot! I’m grateful that my parents supported me in my thousands of life changes that I decided to make lately. They took the chance to believe in me and my crazy ideas and it paid well at the end.
I’m grateful for my co-workers who welcomed me really well in the KTM office and still make the fact that I have to drive 2 hours to get to work not a big deal because I get to see them! I’m grateful for my whole life, I guess. I have, for sure, never been as happy as I am right now. Life is great and this is a little bit because of everyone that I named, so I’m really grateful to be surrounded by so many awesome people.
Tanner Ward:
Definitely my family, friends and sponsors for sticking behind me 100% and helping achieve my racing goals.
Dominique Daffé:
I am grateful for a lot of things. I’m grateful for Jared and his family for everything they did for me this year with racing and travelling. I’m grateful for being able to buy a house! I’m grateful I got to spend a lot of time with my mom, and even through the hard times this year I learned a lot from those situations and people. I’m also grateful for my health and my family, even when we can’t all get a long (laughs)! 2014 was an eventful year, good and bad, and I’m thankful for it all. Here’s to 2015! Merry Christmas everyone!

Dominique Daffé is thankful for all the help from Jared Petruska and both of their families. | Bigwave photo