25 Days of Christmas | Day 21 | Redemption Racing
By Billy Rainford
Santa Claus was usually incognito when he showed up to catch some of the racing action at the Rockstar Energy MX Nationals, but once everyone had packed up and left whichever track we happened to be at, the fat man would swoop in and clear the Redemption Racing pits of every last morsel of food. How else do you think he keeps his weight up through the hot summer months?!

Thanks for the hospitality, Redemption Racing!
Always ready to help other riders and teams (Dave Snider could usually be found heading from one pit to the next fixing whatever needed attention) Redemption Racing’s door was always open for wayward Canadian Motocross nomads like us.
We must have drank an entire mountain slope’s worth of coffee beans sitting in their RV talking about whatever was going on at the time. Lisa Snider always had the pits full of food and drink that was available to the DMX Crew whenever we needed it.
Without the hospitality of Pam and Scott Jeffery, summers at the races would not be the same. Thank you very much for everything over the years, Josh Snider and Company. Everything you guys do at the races is greatly appreciated.
You can’t really go to their site and buy anything for Christmas, but the good feeling you get from this gracious group is more than enough.
I know I speak for everyone involved in the Canadian Motocross Community when I say ‘thank you,’ and we hope you guys get everything you need and more to go racing again in 2017. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!