2024 TransCan Opening Ceremonies Photos

By Billy Rainford

We went live on our YouTube channel for the TransCan opening Ceremonies and I snapped a few photos as well. Here’s a look around…

It rained all the way on my drive north from London but then the sun came our up at Walton and it was perfect.
Head Referee Tim Lee “energized” the crowd first by going over the rules…
We had a feeling something was up when we saw all these Colton Facciotti jerseys being worn and this…
…an empty pole that looked like it might hold a street sign nicely.
Noah Porter is on the cover of the program and had a chat with Ryan Gauld on stage.
And as the Fox Bronze Boot winner from last year, Bobby Gravel is on the official event tee shirt.
Tanner Ward talked about the Ride with Me fundraiser this year. I’m definitely gonna get one of those shirts! Oh, and he and Montana are going to be parents in February!
A classic Mel stance as she welcomed everyone to their property.
And you know it’s story time when Brett Lee takes this stance.
The new stage backdrop has the names of all the past champions at the TransCan.
Finally, Colton came up to accept his street. He admitted that after all those years of winning, he never got any better at interviews.
Mel presents him with Facciotti lane.
He got a few words of thanks in as Ryan tried to turn it into a roast.
This little cheering section was also suspicious.
And that’s it for today., Practice tomorrow and first motos tomorrow afternoon. I’ll try to keep everyone updated on how the racing is going throughout the week.