2024 MXON | Wednesday Morning Photos
Here are a few photos to wake up to of Team Canada MXON Wednesday morning in England. Today, everyone tried to get caught up on sleep and get used to the time change. Later this afternoon, we’ll set everyone and everything up to take team and bike photos. We’ll have some photos from that up later today.

Jess Pettis, Kaven Benoit, and Dylan Wright all flew together from Montreal. They arrived later than the rest of us and jumped into their rental van and headed toward Norton Park. As they neared, they hit traffic that ended up being the M3 closed. Apparently, a car had left an overpass and crashed down onto the “motorway” and there were fatalities.
The road was closed and they waited at least 4 hours in the van with their partners. They were then told the road would be closed for another 8 hours!
They started turning vehicles around from the back but Kaven had had enough and spun their van around out of turn and heard it from a constable. He didn’t end up in jail but they were pretty angry with him.
They finally made it to the House sometime after 10. That was a very long day of travel for our team!

More photos and some video later this afternoon. We’re 5 hours ahead of Eastern Time back home.
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