2023 Vet and Vintage Friday Night Meet and Greet Photos
By Billy Rainford
We can sit and have an open discussion about who you think is the greatest Canadian Motocrosser of all time, but you’re wrong if you don’t think it’s Ross “Rollerball” Pederson.
Frank Schuster hosts the Vet and Vintage event on the back track at Gopher Dunes every fall, but this year it took a turn and the nostalgia was brought to an entirely new level. With the help of Lawrence Hacking and Glen Nicholson, they were able to assemble a list of riders that would put a smile on anybody’s face who happened to be involved in our sport during what could be called its heyday.
I spent the night looking at faces and then name tags and being absolutely blown away by the former top-level racers I was seeing. It was a very special night whose guest of honour was the rider who put Medicine Hat, Alberta, on the map for an entire generation of Canadians – Ross Pederson.
Here are a bunch of photos from Friday night in Frank’s amazing shop and shrine.
The night was a fundraiser for the local Lions club. With your entry fee, you got a beautiful slab of steak that you bbq’d on the massive grill outside. The Schuster family up front thanking everyone for coming and giving us a little history lesson on their facility.Lawrence Hacking getting recognized while sitting next to Ross.Chuck Collins from Hully Gully beside Bill Van Vugt, among others.Left to right: Ryan Gauld, Ross, Dylan Wright, Glen Nicholson (I’m sorry), Doug Hoover, Serge Gregoire.The GOAT meets the current dominant racer.My flash totally blew this shot out but I wanted to get this one of Dave Beatty with Ross in here anyway.Frank’s collection is heavy on Hondas but I actually had this 1985 Kawasaki KX125.The Sweeper signing a shirt that will hang in a MC shop. Pro tip: Ross came and signed his name and told a couple people to pull the shirt tight while elevated. His signature was PERFECT! He’s done that a few times. Old school meets new school with Glen, Tanner Scott, and Jim Scott.Dylan, Derek Schuster, Glen, and Doug.Ryan played MC and brought Glen up for some stories. The 80’s and 90’s were full of stories!Ross’s career is nothing but wins and stories!There are a few riders in our sport’s history that have dominated, and these are 2 of them.That’s Chris Morgan on the left!Dave sharing stories with Jim Richardson.Al Jaggard is from this era and has a pretty sweet bike collection of his own!Al Logue on a classic Yamaha.Serge is the one who put together that sweet replica bike for Ross.For me, there are very few riders I raced as often as Steve Bulyovski. Great memories. I need more time to chat with him.Frank even has one of those Cannondales!Al on top of a 1978 (?) RM 125 like he raced.Group shot to end then night. Well, it ended my night. I hear theirs went well into the night.
After a couple hours sleep, some of these guys were up and on the track on Saturday. Thanks for a great night. A few riders like Carl Vaillancourt, Mike Harnden, Al Dyck, JSR, Blair Morgan, and more, plus Bill Petro (photographer) couldn’t be there this year. Hopefully, they can make it to another one in the near future.
I shot photos and video of Saturday that I’ll get to work on ASAP.
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