Out of the Blue | Tiana Falls | Brought to You by Schrader’s
By Jensen Amyotte

Name: Tiana Falls
Date of Birth: 08/01/1995
Hometown: Murrieta, CA
Occupation: Moto Coach/Stunt Woman
Race Number: 700
Bike: 2023 YZ250
Classes: Women’s Pro/Men’s Int./Harley Hooligan

Who/what inspired you to get into the sport of motocross and how long have you been racing/riding?
Being a daddy’s girl, I naturally took to riding. I started on a battery powered Barbie quad and got my first gas powered dirt bike at 5 years old. 23 years later…I am still going at it and I could not have imagined my life any other way.
When not on a dirt bike how do you keep yourself busy? Are you involved in any other sports or extracurricular activities?
When not on a dirt bike, I like to ride my mountain bike, sing, and read. However, in all honesty, there is almost nothing I would rather be doing than riding most of the time.
As a racer, are there any obstacles you feel a female racer has to deal with that maybe a male racer does not?
I would honestly say one of the biggest challenges as a female athlete has always been recognition by manufacturers and the larger corporations in the industry. However, being a woman in the industry has also had its benefits, such as recognition on a local level. Being a woman lined up with men can certainly get a lot of attention, and therefore, make you more desirable as an athlete, from a marketing perspective.
From your first ride to where you are now, what is something you never thought you would be able to overcome but have?
One thing I never thought I would be able to overcome is managing my personal life and my racing life. It is still something I am working on. At the moment, moto consumes my life and I really see no reason to change that.
Who is your all-time favourite rider and why?
JAMES STEWART because he’s amazing!!!!! In all honesty, I think James has exuded the classic moto dream. He came from humble beginnings and with the support of his family and friends became the fastest man on the planet. I have seen him always make time for his fans, anytime he’s been on a podium he has the biggest smile on his face. I just think he and the Stewart family are amazing people.
What is your favourite track and why?
Honestly, Glen Helen, even though it kicks my butt, which is one of the reasons it is my favorite. Glen Helen is iconic and arguable the roughest track to ride. If you ride/race GH on a regular basis, you are likely to be a highly skilled rider.

What event do you look forward to most every year, one you don’t ever want to miss?
Who has been your biggest inspiration/hero on and off the track?
This might sound cliché, but it’s my dad. My dad got me into riding and taught me most/if not all that I know. He has spent countless hours and all his effort in attempts to get me to the level in which I am now.
Do you have an pre-moto rituals?
I try to eat as little as possible so I don’t make myself sick (jk) I don’t really have any set-in-stone rituals but I need to have my matcha.
What are your plans for this upcoming season? Any specific events you’re looking forward to?
Coming up, I am looking forward to race Day in the Dirt, MotoBeach Classic, SocalVintage Classic, etc.
What are your biggest accomplishments to date?
My biggest accomplishments would be my two National Arenacross Championships, and the stunt work I had the opportunity to perform for Black Panther Wakanda Forever.
What is the biggest lesson that motocross racing has taught you so far?
At this point in my career, motocross has taught/shown me that consistency is the key to success. Every step/direction taken to improve your skill is what will maintain your abilities, because without practice, it doesn’t matter how good you are, someone working harder will win.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years, I see myself running and operating a successful coaching business (The 700 Club Moto Academy) that I started JUST THIS YEAR and am so proud of already! I would also like to be more involved in the stunt industry by expanding on my skills.
Are there any females out there who you feel have paved the way for other girls to be successful in motocross?
There is a whole two generations of female racers that have paved the way for the sport of motocross! One of my biggest inspirations is Mercedes Natvig, formerly Mercedes Gonzalez, as well as my first moto coach, Debbie Matthews. Both of these women have instilled motivation in me (first Debbie and then Mercedes) and have motivated me to become the best version of myself on and off the track. I am also continuously inspired by Debbie Evans Leavitt, who has paved a way for women in the Stunt Industry.
What kind of track/dirt do you feel you excel at most and why?
I gotta say I am a moto chick through and through. After spending 23 years on a motocross track, I feel like it is where I excel the most, despite enjoying all types of riding.

If you ever have children will you give them the option to race as well?
If/when I have children I will have little rippers for sure! I can understand and respect giving children an opportunity to try various sports and choose their favorite, but, with how involved I have been and will always be, it is more likely that at least one of my kids will race.
If you could give 1 piece of advice to a female of any age who wants to start riding what would it be?
JUST DO IT! (Nike logo). There is no perfect age, perfect place, or perfect bike. If you are wanting to start, start now, otherwise you might always regret not going for it.
What was your first fear when you started riding and how did you overcome it?
My first fear (and I literally remember saying this) was being made fun of for using training wheels, so I made my dad take them off. With patience, we were able to successfully get me to ride around the tiny front yard on my PW50.
What was your first race number and how did you choose it?
I was and will always be #7 (even though my current racing number is #700). I started racing when I was 7 so the # is very significant to me.
Do you see yourself ever competing in the Canadian WMX Triple Crown series?
I would absolutely love to race in Canada for the WMX Triple Crown series. It would take some support but I would love to give it a shot!
What are your thoughts on the Canadian WMX Triple Crown series?
I have heard a lot of positive reviews regarding the race series and would be more than interested in competing.

What do you like to do in the off season?
There is no off season in California, but I love going to the beach and attempting to surf, or ride my mountain bike, open up a good book, and spend quality time with friends and family.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I wanted to be a pro racer and a singer when I grew up, and at 28 years old, I am both. Now I am looking to a future of running a successful business that gives back to the powersports community.
Who would you like to thank?
Jesus and my family. I would like to thank Split Designs Co for supporting me for over 10 years, as well as ASV Inventions, Evans Powersports Coolant, and other sponsors who have had my back for years.

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